How is your day going?

My day is going okay, i think i permanently broke this one game i am playing because the game always crashes at a certain part and i spent several hours trying to fix it yesterday just to give up

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It’s hot and I am angry!


I’m at work and wish I was not at work :frowning:


Casts a mild cone of cold.

Feeling better?


Its fine. My boss is a pita. And i wish i had 3 hours to myself once in awhile. But hey, i finished my econ exam and the crap wont start up again until next week.

Currently waiting at the burger joint for them to call out “Order for Max.” I really wanted a burger and some tots. So great

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Been at this potato farm since last night, because their crap wasn’t ready. Luckily I only had to spend ONE night here, instead of three, since this was scheduled to be picked up MONDAY. Unforseen circumstances meant I didn’t get to this place till yesterday.

And, as it turns out, they put too much of their crap on my truck, and the nearest weigh scale is 8 miles out.

So we’re playing a little game of “lets make it legal”, where they rearrange ALL THE STUFF on this truck, I drive 8 miles to weigh it, and then I drive all the way back to try it again.

So my day has been grand.

Maybe you should make some tots with those potatoes


Pretty well so far, thank you for asking.

Gonna have drinks with my boys at Chili’s after work

I deal with sales people (oh, sorry… “account managers”) and contract attorneys all day.

And people wonder why I get lost in video games.

The forecast was for 100+ heat here today and tomorrow. So I PTO’ed today and tomorrow to hide from the hot. So my day is going great.

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Grab some of those honey chipotle chicken crispers, those are some mighty fine tenders


I’m doing alright . Hot.

I’ve had this weird feeling of drifting lately and I realized that I haven’t drawn anything since Remix started.

Anyway, I’m glad you’re doing well. :slight_smile:

I went for a walk and regretted it

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Heat wave, it’s almost a long weekend for me, in which I have a long weekend next weekend as well for Canada Day so I’m happy.

Forum-side, reading through a specific thread makes me question humanity’s existence. We don’t deserve to exist lol.

All in all, I’m good!

This is funny, because I’m an accounts manager for a farm supply company and some of my clients are… I don’t know how they function.


Woke up feeling like a baked potato due to the heat, had some mild complications with my heart this morning, and overall have been trying not to crap myself all day. So in other words, a pretty normal day.


Today is all good for me :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:. Now thinking of going for a drive in the sunshine :sunrise_over_mountains:

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Speaking my language, surprisingly enjoyable tenders.

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Come on dude, you didn’t even mention the name of the game?

It’s possible audience members/readers might also play it and could offer advice on a fix