How is your day going?

nah, they can’t ive tried lol nobody wants to help me I’ve tried reddit and ive tried the official discord server its a nightmare. id ask here but a lot of people would not want to give me advice on how to fix it or what to do trust me if i could i would but I’m pretty sure giving up is for the best because i cannot find a way to fix this

The rep brought bagels without cream cheese and a fire drill right at lunch. The day is beyond repair. :sob:


It beats having fire drills in late October when it’s 35 and rainy.


That’s when you know the Maintenance/ Safety team hates you.


I spent two hours this morning trying to fine tune a script that was timing out after 120 seconds even though it is configured to run for up to 6000 seconds. Turns out it was something I had applied to an API that I was calling…

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90 degree hot weather warning. You’ve got to be kidding me.

Down here we count the days less than 90 one hand.

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I got two injections in my belly to see if they help with the nerve pain. Other than that it’s been a pretty average day. Got a pride event later that I hope will be fun.

Mod deleted my post. I give you ungrateful knuckleheads comedy gold and it gets deleted. On the upside. I am still here. So, I guess I didn’t push hard enough. Time to dip into the hardcore dirty words!




well you can just get those boots walking right out that door mister!

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