How is Sub rogue not nerfed yet?

i am glad blizzard doesn’t exclusively design the game around players like you and your mistaken impression that the ability to use your gcds on nothing while a dh kills your entire team is affecting the outcome of the game

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Thank you for not reading my entire post, had you done so you would have seen that I addressed that.

‘admitted’ isn’t a synonym for addressed

i commented that your stance is based on an ignorance of all the factors at play. it’s good that you’re aware of that ignorance, the game needs casuals, but you may benefit from noting that ‘it’s good that the devs don’t aim the game at your skill level’ is distinct from ‘you have no right to your opinion’. i would never say the latter!

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Your response was still not appropriate, I wasn’t complaining about the effectiveness of the classes, I’m well aware the strength of Demon Hunter’s, my complaint is purely on the enjoyment factor. Do I like being steam rolled by a DH? No of course not, but again, I still have some semblance of control over my own actions. That’s the important part to me, that’s what makes an engagement frustrating or not. I’m not talking about the relative strength of one class to another, and I’m pretty sure I made that clear in my first post of this thread.

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i agree mom

yeah i get that
it’s kinda of what you feel as a melee vs a frost mage
i’m like jesus come on enough with the blinking around and constant slows

some classes are more annoying to face, depending on what you play, we can agree on that. but i don’t think we should go as far as to say they are OP or they need nerfs just because they are annoying
i’d rather look at statistics for that

and the lad above linked check PVP. if you go to the stats page you will indeed see sub performing well lately (in 2s), but still under those meta specs

and for solo shuffle or 3s, they barely register. 3220 havocs, 2144 UHs and 1796 arms vs 404 subs over 1800 in solo.

say havoc got a nerf, but arms and unholy are either untouched or buffed come tuesday/wednesday

i’m telling you guys, there are bigger fish to fry than rogues

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it’s not clear to me where communication broke down here. i am specifically disagreeing with the quoted bit; when you say it, it sounds to me like you’re talking about feeling better drinking sewer water after you’ve run it through a brita. it’s unambiguous that you feel better about the actions you’re allowed to take as you lose, but i am specifically, and i think pretty clearly, saying that you are mistaken to feel that way. pressing a bunch of gcds that don’t move the needle is not meaningfully different from being in a stun while you don’t move the needle.

if you get a satisfying pvp experience out of pushing your buttons, without paying any attention to the pace or outcome of the game, it’s odd that you need enemy players to be involved at all. there are target dummies, for example.


Yeah for sure, that’s why I opened with “I’m not gonna say what should or shouldn’t be nerfed” haha. It’s just really really unfun to play against, and for myself it seems to be the only class to trigger that feeling in me. I guess everyone has one class like that.

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Communication broke down when you decided that situational feelings should be dictated based on outcome alone.

Listen just because both paths end up at the same outcome, doesn’t mean one of those paths wasn’t way more annoying to deal with.

I’m not sure why you seem to have a problem with the way rogues make me, personally, feel, or why you feel the need to make me feel the same way about demon hunters? Maybe I’m also reading your intent wrong, but I think I’ll just move on from this conversation, and wish you a wonderful day.

This has been the general sentiment of most gamers who played MMORPGs in the past that also had stealther classes that could wtfpwn you from stealth. Look no further than oldschool games like Dark Age of Camelot, Shadowbane, and Ultima Online as prime examples where stealther classes basically ruined the pvp scene. Almost everyone had a stealther alt running around in pvp zones. It was sickening and made people avoid classes that were weak against those stealthers.

Stealth should at least slow you down dramatically, to at least 70% of normal walking speed. That would be a start. But WoW is too far down the rabbit hole with how stealth is built into the game. Thank god future games like Ashes of Creation learned this lesson and are handling stealth properly.

two of my friends have both been playing melee that are usually very vulnerable to rogue comps for several years. one of them bothers to learn the tells for setups of threatening damage and or cc, and has a fine time against most rogue teams because most of the time, it’s harder for them to do those setups than it is for people paying attention to disrupt them(that’s why the only rogue complaint most hardcore players will share with casuals is that things like duel allow rogues to cheat teams out of the chance for counterplay)
the other of my friends i mentioned treats every kidney shot like it’s bubble or die, and has an incredibly stressful time playing against every rogue team whether or not he wins

to the extent that this forum has any purpose at all, it’s the dissemination of knowledge about the arena game mode we all enjoy. ‘i hate playing against rogues because i can never control my character’ is a stance based on a knowledge gap that i am happy to patch, and through the magic of a public-facing forum it isn’t actually required that you yourself do any of that learning for my post to have a point


sure, but it should no longer break, except when you attack, or when you are detected by abilities

no more random AoEs breaking you out of stealth, no more dots breaking you out of stealth

how about that?

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Most good rogue teams don’t have “tells” on their big goes. They let their team set up the initial cc while the rogue handles kill target, then can go for cc extensions off their initial go. . In opener goes they sap kill target so they can’t react in the opener at all. The problem is in a lot of these situations it feels like there’s nothing the kill target can do in these situations other than trinket and pop a defensive. Your team can potentially save you depending on the comp, but you are somewhat powerless unless you make a hard read to predict the go. And if you do that and use a big cd preemptively they just wait it out then go and your dead anyways.

yeah see you can be a reader of this caliber and still play ret to rank 1. follow your dreams everybody

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One day you’ll have a non dog take. Clearly not today, but someday I’m sure.

There’s this issue communicating when people are good at something that they tend to forget what people who aren’t experienced don’t know. I can’t remember the word for that but basically experts continually raise the threshold for what should be common knowledge as time passes, so I know you probably know this, but some noobs may not know.

There’s always tells. how much time has passed since xyz happened. Positioning. Movement. Partners’ CD’s rotating up. DR’s on your team rotating off. It doesn’t have to be “oh, that’s the honk honk sound.” It’s a whole smear of things from blatant to just game knowledge and awareness.

Also, a lot of people reading this probably aren’t queueing into “good rogue teams.”

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i feel attacked

Haha! You and me both pal, you and me both.

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I meant it to be inclusive :dracthyr_love_animated:

Just jokes, I appreciate the post. I know I have a lot to learn. The last time I did arena seriously was in like 2009, and things have seriously changed. I definitely need to acquire the new “common knowledge”.