How is runescape almost as popular as wow?

This is old school runescape I’m talking about

I just don’t get it but I haven’t put much time into it

what is the appeal that is enabling this game to have 80% of the population of wow retail? Heck if you combine new runescape and old school it is beating wow retail (but not with classic).

It is beating Destiny, ESO, Black Desert, Eve, StarWars, and countless others.

Just baffled by this and it has been increasing year over year.

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It runs on old mobile phones as well so that will boost its numbers.


Cookie Clicker but with Runescape Big Pixel Goth GF


Honestly, I’d say maybe just try it and see.

OSRS is a relaxing and fun game. Retail Wow and even Classic doesn’t have that same feeling of fishing on the karamja docks, talking to peeps and having a good chat about life.


No subscription cost and no download probably helps its popularity.


No king rules forever. Also you don’t need fancy graphics and sound if you got great game play. Perhaps WoW needs to clean up it’s act from the direction it is currently going in so it can grow again instead of farming metrics off people…hic!


which is the one that has the sub? there’s two versions. one is f2p but the other has a sub or cost to play. can’t remember which is which.

WoW is inherently a niche title. Lots of games are more popular than it.

OSRS is such a different game from WoW that trying to emulate it’s success is completely pointless for WoW.


Hmm, I don’t really know anyone that plays Run Escape.

Then again, I don’t really talk to people about the games they play very often. I usually talk about other stuff with people that are not people I know online.

Because RuneScape is actually older then WoW. And the generation it appealed to was a generation that was addicted to MMORPG’s. And it was/still FREE, something wow knows nothing about lol.

Fyw I have 2 maxed accounts in RuneScape :slight_smile:


you know what’s a really popular game is candy crush. maybe wow should be more like that!


I think OSRS needs a sub … it’s RS3 that doesn’t - and of course it has MTX, it has to make money somehow.

OSRS is basically like Classic WoW if you think about it.

Osrs is nearly as popular as wow? I kinda doubt that. I love osrs dont get me wrong but saying its even in the same area as wow is silly.


Runescape is extremely long to finish and it’s very addicting. There’s so much stuff to do


Or Tic Tac Toe!


Nostalgia, mainly. The part where almost any phone made in the past decade can run it helps, along with it being basically as close to an idle game as you can get without actually being an idle game.

Runescape never had good gameplay to begin with. It just got lucky with being released in an era where most people had never played a multiplayer game online before, and it was so low-spec that the 6-year-old family computer had no issues running it, so the end result was that it became that generation’s Fortnite. Everyone in school talked about it and everyone rushed home after school to get on Runescape and go goof off with their friends on a game that was little more than a skinner box hooked up to AIM-plus-censorship at the time.

I was part of that generation. Most of us have moved on. Some of us have not. (We call them “trimmed completionist capers”.)


wow should definitely be like RAID: Shadow Legends! /s


Its not at all like what it was in actual 2007
They’ve expanded a lot on the pve content and people have min/maxed the auto attack combat system to include sweaty tryhard swapping of items between each attack

It is free to play in that you can use ingame gold to buy membership, but i don’t think its getting a lot of new players. Its mainly long time/returning players that are keeping the numbers up, same as wow

RS3 had a disaster a few months ago where they like wiped a data server and deleted a bunch of player accounts :joy: they’ve been trying to restore everything but a lot of people lost really rare rng perks and some couldn’t login for like 2 months


It’s almost like people who want to play MMORPGs will play an MMORPG that acts like an MMORPG.


OSRS is a true mmorpg. Retail wow is not. Player driven economy, meaningful crafting, challenging PVE and PVP, the list is endless in my opinion. Runescape feels so much more rewarding to me. Been maining osrs over wow for years now and i can honestly say im still having tons of fun to this day.

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