How is runescape almost as popular as wow?

My 13 yo son and his friends play Roblox constantly. I don’t get that either…

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Their devs care.

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but not from WoW, eh

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Mobile. Same reason why Fortnite has so many players.

If you talk to WoW classic, the only problem that Blizzard is not accepting and it’s time to do it when I finish this content and we already have the TBC is:

It is that even and does not want this version to be F2P which Runescape had no problems, now I do not know how it will be with the microtransactions within that game but …

In the case of Blizzard as it would be to make it similar to Starcraft 2, it could not, and worse in these times where Bob only thinks with money and with his head.

So, I absolutely adore Osrs, but I couldn’t disagree more with this. At least if you’re implying that osrs acts like a “true mmorpg”

OSRS is like a single player game with multiplayer elements. When it comes to gameplay, there is so little you do with other players besides just talk. Especially if you’re not into end game bossing.

Meanwhile since WoWs inception if you want to make meaningful progress in your character you’re going to have to group with others eventually.


Gr8 b8 thread m8! You got lotsa :fish:!

“”Trimming armor 10k!”


Pretty cool how you come up with these pretend numbers all the time.


I’m baffled at whatever measurement tool you are using to know wows population :laughing:


I’m thinking a gravimeter.

A mind numbing auto-attack and gather game that’s available on mobile now. It was the best “sort of” we had back in the day and that’s all.

WTB Addy 2h spam in Varrok was great on the paper mache OG Runescape back when I was twelve and had dial up.

Runescape is a massive money maker for it’s player base. You should see some of the videos about it’s arena gambling and scamming issues.

idk what that is but if it’s popular obviously wow should emulate it!!!

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It’s free, it’s a small DL, it’s on mobile. and you don’t have to dedicate any real amount of time to make some progress. You can hop on while you’re waiting for your oil change and grind out some exp or move forward in a quest. A -lot- of people also just have an insane amount of nostalgia for Runescape, particularly the OSRS version. Probably more than that have it for Classic/Vanilla WoW.

The fact that OSRS is more popular than RS3 shows how important that Nostalgia bit is, though. RS3 is objectively a better game if you can ignore the increased MTX vs OSRS. But OSRS is all anyone talks about.

Anyway, the nature of Runescape means its very easy to play casually as a sidegame. Very few are making the decision to play it INSTEAD of something like WoW like one might do between WoW and FFXIV. Hell, not even a side game. RS is simple enough that you can literally multitask it no problem while watching a movie or something without losing the plot of the movie. Hard to multitask games like WoW without hurting both activities you’re trying to do.

Where are we getting population numbers though? You can track currently online Runescape players, but AFAIK WoW doesn’t have anything like that, and neither reports total monthly unique players or anything.


appreciate the feedback

responding to some of the least helpful responses:
this extremely old style game is stomping almost every other MMO and is barely behind wow in active players, in revenue it isn’t remotely close to wow

blaming it entirely on mobile ignores the huge amount of other MMOs on mobile that have no where near similar active players so mobile is not the ‘automatically’ bigger that some infer it to be, it still needs to stand out for whatever reason

this game is going up every year instead of burning out or tapering off, which is also very compelling and different from almost every other similar game history, I mean this thing is a revived ancient game

just such an interesting comparison in what attracts players to your game with different barriers to entry and different setups

They have devs that actually listen to the playerbase

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I’ve played the game off and on for like 15+ years. Just picked it up again recently.

Heres are my opinions on its success.

It’s a mostly solo experiance that greatly rewards players for their time. Every achievement you earn feels great because it has meaning.

Questing is actually pretty good. They have the quests made so that the stories interconnect with one another. They always add new quests and it never makes older ones irrelevant.

As content keeps releasing, Jagex never undermines your gear. Chances are if you take a break for a year, your gear will still be relavent when you return. However, from time to time, they balance over performing items to bring them in line with other items. Same with underperforming ones.

Lastly Jagex has a community voting system. The game is effectively made by the community. Heres how it works. Jagex puts forth an idea and let’s the community vote. If the idea gets at least 80% votes for yes, it will be added. This way lame or useless ideas that may be unhealthy for the game are discarded.


wow retail is not good

Same reason people might want to play Classic, Fable 2, Resident Evil 4, MGS 3, Goldeneye, or Mask of Majora. Good games are good regardless of age, and regardless of current trends.

People seem to think MMOs are an exception to this and I have no idea why. They’re games too, they just happen to involve a persistent world with other players.

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