How is resetting undercoins evergreen?

I knew there would be some sort of reset. I was certain they would reset brann, but instead, they reset any progress we’ve made with undercoins, and most likely radiant echos.

This isn’t evergreen content that you progress through, it is the same old reset and start over development that for many of us destroys any long-term immersion. I get it, it makes it easier and less expensive to develop.

Please create at least one niche in the game that isn’t just reset and do the same thing all over again. Some of us want our time and effort retained and respected, not shoved to the side for ease of development.


I’m going to lean on it being because they’re having new rewards, including the absolute scam of the Adventurer gear Warband box being replaced with one that gives Veteran track which is infinitely more useful for fresh 80s. Having someone being able to buy that right off the bat would be such a head start on many others, including those who didn’t run delves in favor of M+/Raiding.

I spent the 5k coins on the box shortly before the Siren’s Isle came out, and even then I discovered I could spend all the Conquest Guuah was holding on to for Champ track PvP gear which fully decked out at least one alt.

Rest of it is probably cosmetic stuff being rotated out for new ones.


If they didn’t reset undercoins I bet I would have enough to just buy everything I want without ever stepping foot into a delve for s2.


Err is there something I should buy with undercoins before they’re all zero’d out?


Any pets / toys you want, otherwise just buy mats and hold them til the raid opens.


I’m not following. This is a seasonal end game pillar.


It was touted as an attempt at creating evergreen content. Something more than just collecting but game content that continues, by design, to a never ending progression where nothing is ever lost or reset , look at pet currency as an example of this.

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I plan to use mine to buy all the delve mats I can. Should free myself for sometime of buying tinderboxes in AH. Not that I do much of that nowadays.

If bliz kept your undercoins as they are and added a new currency for S2 you’d complain about currency bloat.

Pet battles exist on a totally different difficulty axis, your pet hasn’t gained an extra level or rarity or mechanic since mists of Pandaria. Meanwhile you get stronger week on week with massive jumps every patch. S2 rewards require you to do the content that relates to them, not stock up on currency when you were steamrolling the previous content.


It’s either reset undercoin or dramatically increase the cost of items and the amount that drops in S2. Either way the undercoin you have now will be irrelevant.

Which pet currency? Since they’ve already done a pet currency deprecation once.

Currency resets are an unalterable fact of life, especially in content that affects player power. Blizzard hates hoarding and will not allow anyone a running start in new content.

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Good design would prevent that. The only reason brann wasn’t reset was because it would have been too much work. Removing earned currencies in pve is poor design. It makes a little sense in pvp seasons, but I can’t really talk too much about a part of the game I quit playing 10 years ago.

There are better ways to design that intent than taking away earned currencies.


That seems like a definition of evergreen that you made yourself. In my mind, evergreen means that they just keep building on it.


a currency reset does not have any bearing on whether or not they’ve achieved that goal.

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And in mine it means if you spent the time gaining that currency then you’ve earned the headstart.

Seems like it’s a you issue if Blizzard doesn’t conform to an idea that was only in your mind.


AI generated and edited by me:

Within a game, evergreen content refers to features or activities that retain their value and relevance regardless of the game’s current state or updates. For instance, in MMORPGs like World of Warcraft , evergreen content includes events or systems such as Timewalking dungeons, holiday events, and PvP modes that can be revisited by players year after year. This type of content is designed to provide ongoing enjoyment and engagement, ensuring that players have something meaningful to return to even as new expansions or updates are release

sounds like it still meets that definition

Timewalking had it’s balances changed but they are the same and the currency remained. That is a close example of evergreen content.

No it wasn’t. It was always said to be a seasonal end game pillar.

Edit to add the quote directly from Blizzard back in June from their Delve article:

These replayable, seasonal, role-agnostic adventure experiences offer a new way to enjoy the leveling and endgame progression alongside traditional Dungeons, Raids, and PvP.