How is resetting undercoins evergreen?

I already complain about this. lol

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Seems like you have a warped definition of what an evergreen system refers to.
It’s something that isn’t made to be thrown away, but continually updated and to be considered part of the game going forward, unlike Azerite Armor, or Artifact Weapons.
It’s also listed as seasonal content, same as M+, why wouldn’t it’s associated currencies be reset?


Do you keep your honor and conquest from season to season?

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If you wanna apply the term ‘evergreen’ to delves, it’s applied to the system itself. Delves are ‘evergreen’ in the sense that they’re going to continue to be iterated upon and added to over time and are here to stay. Something like covenants in Shadowlands are an example of something that’s not evergreen, because they had an expiration date that coincided with the release of Dragonflight and there were never any plans to continue developing them beyond that point.


You could be right. It was never described as seasonal until after release.

More evidence that perhaps I do have a skewed view of the term.

AI generated and edited by me.

Before the release of The War Within expansion, Blizzard described Delves as a new evergreen outdoor world feature designed to offer players a unique solo or small group experience.

Because you can buy s2 gear / cosmetics with undercoins. The only other option would be to add a new coin and make undercoins functionally useless.

Article june 5th 2024 from Blizzard:

These replayable, seasonal, role-agnostic adventure experiences offer a new way to enjoy the leveling and endgame progression alongside traditional Dungeons, Raids, and PvP.

I didn’t look for an earlier article.

By your definition, Delves still fit Evergreen Content’s definition.

Currencies that result in power gains get reset between seasons, thats the way it works.

Sorry you made up your own assumption on how you think the game should work.

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The currency needs to be reset in alignment with the ilvl increase of the gear! If not people would horde coins to leap ahead in the next season.

This is standard for seasonal content. To keep the content relevant it needs to keep pace. To keep pace it needs to be seasonal.

The article I linked you was written in June. The expansion didn’t release until August. There are also interviews out there prior to that which also state it’s an end game pillar for solo and casual players.

No. It was always a seasonal end game pillar.

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They could easily just use the delve adventure bar to control the coins. Like the fact that you have to re-earn the right to buy keys with coins. Once unlocked under my definition of evergreen it would never have to be re-earned.

I understand bloat but in the case of folks like me who had 50k+ pet currency they added reps and activities to earning pets along with coins so those of us who didn’t intend to hoard coins ended up with 50k+.

I really thought about it and honestly I can’t really see a reason for it. Insane no lifers could in theory get some extra rolls on heroic gear but to be honest anyone that sweaty is already split running and wouldn’t bother.

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Buy the reagents, post on the AH for some extra gold.

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I think it’s more that they don’t want people to buy all the S2 cosmetics off the shop the moment the patch starts with what they already hoarded.

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Instead of removing undercoins add the unlocks to the adventure bar.

Any seasonal currency always gets reset, use your brain power

Delves are new and different. Why remain stale with seasonal removal of things already earned. Feels bad.

I just bought one of those, did I get ripped off?


Isn’t that just removing undercoins with extra steps. You now need to grind a bunch of progress to the point you have more currency than you need and are overflowing anyway.

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Resetting undercoins makes no sense at all