How is mw?

I don’t like the idea of having yet one more thing to keep track of, but the potential agency over when and how many stacks to use is kind of interesting.


Because I literally haven’t read it because I’m bouncing around many places all at once

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Repeating it again in case others TLDR earlier posts:

  1. Make Mana Tea function like purifying brew where you can choose how many uses to press at a time
  2. Make the mana regen passive instead of channeled to be comparable to Rashok / Tier
  3. Give a Choice node so that you can choose between a damage amp for fistweavers or outgeared content, a healing amp for BIG spike damage, or a mana reduction for new players or when mana is really an issue for experienced players

This instantly makes mana tea an exciting on use effect for all play styles of MW and better fits with the theme of the class which is: maintenance buffs combined with burst windows

I don’t like these ideas tbh

  1. This just feels like a mana potion… but its a talent
  2. This just feels boring… TBH it sounds like resurgence from shaman which is very boring
  3. These just feel… lame? Flat amps just feel lame and uninspired… Plus damage amps don’t feel very healer

To me, these are very boring and don’t have any brain usage…
Maybe I’m in the minority here but I want something I can think about and play with… not something i talent then forget about and think its passively baked into my kit


This thread had sadly gotten a bit out of hand, but regardless I’d like to give my input:

If this current playstyle (raiding) with CF is intented to go forward as still being the strongest with the new mana tea in mind, then I’m not a fan - It certainly does give great opportunity to showcase deep skill in the spec, but I think it’s a bit to much to play around.

So while the new Mana Tea adds much more skill expression to the spec, I feel it’s going a bit to much out of hand - I was personally a bigger fan of AT/chi-ji gameplay from 10.0, this feels a bit to complicated for me personally. Also never been a fan of soothing mist.


How is the channeled version better?
It’s the same but you have downtime instead of just pressing it when you want the buffs??

My proposal is LITERALLY the same mechanic as PTR mana tea but now instead of channeling you don’t have to channel and instead of 50% mana reduction you have the choice for a damage amp or healing amp.

How is a damage amp boring?

First of all, it’s already a boring 50% mana cost reduction amp.

Second of all, it’s not a “flat amp” you have to spend mana to build it and then use agency to decide when to use it for a dual purpose — the buff as well as the mana regen. It’s hardly a “flat buff”

How is a damage amp for a class that deals damage to heal not part of being “healer?”

ESPECIALLY for a healer whose theme is to freaking kick the enemy AND has no defined niche? We have no brez or heroism — let us bring something to the table. Damage or absorbs, something!

Also why is it that all of the past 2 expacs you’ve done nothing but push the importance of DPS over throughout for m+ and the. When someone comes up with an idea to boost our damage a little you say it’s not healer? Makes no sense man

To play devil’s advocate here; I don’t see any downside to the 10.1.7 Mana Tea change. If you don’t like it, don’t talent for it. What do you lose by the current Mana Tea being effectively removed if you don’t talent for the new one in 10.1.7?

I find it hard to believe that any Mistweavers performance is currently made or broken on the back of current Mana Tea. Spirit of the Crane gives meaningless mana returns and Lifecycles isn’t worth playing around. So if you don’t talent for the new Mana Tea you lose effectively nothing. If you do, you gain significantly more mana back over the course of a key for sub 5 seconds of channeling every 1-2 minutes?

I think Mistweaver has problems but I don’t think getting more mana to play with in 10.1.7 or ignoring the talent if you wish and have the same as you do now is one of them.

I also know that you and many other Mistweavers play the builds you like and I think that’s legitimately great. But I also know that 90% of Mistweavers Fistweave a key by pressing 200 SCK globals and think that’s compelling gameplay and enjoy it. Those guys currently gain nothing from the mana return talents MW has and in 10.1.7 all 200 of those SCK globals will build Mana Tea stacks. That’s a huge win for a Mistweaver build, even if it’s not one you like.

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Bro at least the devils advocate could actually make a decent freaking argument instead of

“If you don’t like it just don’t take the talent that is obviously needed for the current iteration of your class because they are removing the borrowed power which is keeping it afloat”

Get out of here man

Honestly how dull are you to not understand that channeling mana tea means you cannot dps during that time period and also you are slowed —> PTR mana tea is a direct increase in DOWNTIME why promote that

So you do think the new Mana Tea is going to be more mana and will be needed when tier and Rashok’s goes away?

Then I don’t understand why you so vehemently dislike it?

Well I’m sorry I can’t cause you to have reading comprehension on all of the reasons so far we’ve discussed why it’s bad

This is literally not possible. Where it is in the tree is mandatory, the talent to make channeling it faster will also be mandatory because it’s not fun wasting time sitting around channeling.


There’s no need to insult people who disagree with you. These forums are for discussion and if you can’t help yourself to include casually insulting comments in every comment you shouldn’t be here.

The only issue I’ve seen you raise for Mana Tea is that you have to channel it and that’s less time to DPS/HPS?

But you don’t have to channel Mana Tea at inopportune times? Like I said in my previous post; nothing is changing from live to 10.1.7 regarding mana costs or mana longevity except for the current Mana Tea 50% mana cost reduction being tacked onto the end of a channel instead of a flat 10s.

You could keep your talents the same and just not channel Mana Tea at all in 10.1.7 and nothing would change for you. Or you could only channel Mana Tea when you cannot do anything else like when you’re running from Bombardment in FH or placing your AoE on Sporecaller and it’s a net benefit.

So then maybe read the thread and understand the points I’ve already listed so far before asking a silly question like “why don’t you like it?” Instead of just posting some smart Alec response


-Channeling means you aren’t healing or DPS and idk if you’ve played keys but there’s a lot going on to be taking a 40% slow to just play the game as other healers do
-Monk is already behind in terms of community perception, toolkit, throughout, damage, utility, basically every measure of community worthiness get here we are trying to justify adding more complexity to an already high skill capped healer and not only that but this complexity has huge drawbacks that didn’t exist prior to its creation. Literally we have the mana with no downtime right now — why aren’t they making a similar version?
-Gaining mana reduction for a flat amount of time is a really bad mechanic because as of current mana tea I can cast 4 EvM and an EF during it but to achieve a similar feat with new mana tea is impractical. What you’ll see is a sip or two before every EF/FL and it’s not compelling gameplay and it’s also essentially adding a cast time to FL and extending the duration of EF channel by however many seconds you channel mana tea before hand
-using mana tea in between pulls is stupid because that’s what mage food is for there’s no reason to argue for an ability whose use case is already covered by mage food → come up with something else
-the mechanic punishes people who play better because if I am efficient by using my 50% mana cost reduction on the high mana cost spells then I reduce the generation of mana tea stacks compared to someone who is inefficient → make it so that if I use the mana tea well that it benefits me more than if I use it poorly

Literally the mana tea change amounts to:
Cast mana tea before Essence font or Faeline on cooldown
Have fun y’all.

It’s a straight up nerf

It doesn’t matter if it’s “only 5 seconds every 1 minute”

That’s 5 seconds per minute of straight up loss to healing and dps. There’s no justifying it with the current iteration

The more I think about it, the more it becomes
I’m either sitting with mage food every minute for 10 seconds
I’m slowly moving towards my goal with mana tea every minute for 5 seconds

Also… This assumes we are getting 20 stacks and consuming them all every 1 minute… which would be really impressive! Spending 500k mana a minute (number is reducible with crit but… who stacks crit?)

Mage food argument doesn’t work —- literally all the other healers drink too

No one is bringing monk because they can drink for half the time because of mana yea

At this point it’s not even about the facts it’s just social differences between you and me

The monk mistweaver wars are real!!


This could 100% be true but this now sounds like a fact so it is about the facts?

Unless you have one piece of something that is insane, no healer is only brought for one thing…
Its always a factor of things and this is a helpful factor… not a home run but a positive

All other healers sit for 10 seconds
MW sits for 5

Frequency of sitting is a different story all together

Either way. I agree we wont’ come to a conclusion so I’m dropping it

It’s just that certain members of the monk community (Like Maggie over here)

Who is supposedly some well known monk theory crafter on peaks of serenity for multiple expansions - supposedly-

Is making theory crafting claims not on the math of the actual ability and it’s impact on the rotation but is basically just making claims to disagree with me for the sake of disagreeing with me personally.

A true theorycrafter and community leader makes judgements about abilities and their affect on the rotation based on objective tuning values of abilities and their mechanics not based on whether an idea is promoted by a particular individual.

For the most part I don’t get sassy until someone asks me a stupid question or says things that are just intended to inflame me rather than an informed and well thought out response that is actually there to spark valid debate over a topic.

Anyone who is actually trying to contribute genuine discussion on a topic I do not respond in that way


So u are recommending a mana tea that not only restores mana but also increases attack as a way to further justify monks in groups since our utility is not enough?

While I can see the points you’re making, I think they would be better taken if your tone was less aggressive.