i’ve more or less given up on classic on my MM. I have been a bench sitter since the beginning. They allow me to join their 25 man “anyone can join” raid but the progression stuff is locked to those who play the “top specs”. Even if it means its mostly just the same people bringing different characters each night. Theres just no enjoyment with being “bad” simply because the programmers made it that way. I do not have to capacity to overcome the games coding.
That combo’d with my utter non-interest in DF content as it stands means i’m starting to consider if i will allow my sub to renew next month.
Do some gdkps and you can play for free!!
True, I get 4-6 months of game time per GDKP payout.
Doesn’t matter if the game is free, if it’s not fun.
Hey, I am trying to convince ppl to buff Steady shot to fix this instead of changing explosive trap. A lot of our problems stem from the fact that SS is trash.
blizz seriously needs to fix this
MM is very fun and if you have the right raid composition it can achieve the DPS of the simulation. Unfortunately, this is highly unlikely for the majority of players, and you’ll face serious mana problems first and foremost, then you’ll drop DPS because of the movement in gameplay that MM sims don’t take into account.
I’ve never been able to get into Survival, as it’s just not my cup of tea with the rotation, and I’ve also found it equally mana heavy when I’m in a PUG or don’t have a Paladin for JoW - aspect dancing is HORRIBLE!
Running in to trap weave on some fights can be rough, even with disengage, as plenty of bosses will throw out proximity debuff a that could cause you to wipe the melee or the ranges you disengage near.
I only go to PUG or my guilds alt raid, and if the comp is wrong or the DPS is low (not horrible, just not at the peak) then I have to sit in Aspect of the Viper for way too long…
Some minor glyphs to help mana management on MM would be more enjoyable for me, and if I wasn’t aspect dancing 20% of the fight I’d be satisfied.
MM should be buffed for being a turret, and SV should be buffed for trap weaving (likely with the minor glyph to activate Explosive Trap in combat that someone suggested above).
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If you look at the current standings MM is 6th lowest spec (not counting Gladiator) on ToGC with them about to be over taken by Blood in the next two weeks (going by current trends).
As trends continue, MM won’t be able to beat Survival until almost the end of ICC, with full gear and even that is suspect.
This is a massive departure from how it was in original ToGC with MM being a top dps spec from this point on.
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it’s not, the classic player base is.
MM is top 5 on all wotlk pservers, 90% of classic players on NA don’t know what they are talking about and been playing the same phase 1 survival spec… “but my sim tells me something”
l2p issue
How do I learn these hidden MM techniques
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More likely that priv servers had different coding than wotlk classic does.
Something that pushes MM ahead.
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If MM was truly top 5 then we’d still see the 99th percentile in the top five, only all the percentiles would be lower if it was a skill issue
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I mean just based on what I’ve seen so far most Hunters aren’t very good. Now I’m sure it’s like most specs in that you have a wide range of players, but in general the good ones I’ve run into have been few and far between.
My wife holds her own playing MM, she’s usually somewhere in the top 5 unless the fight asks her to do something different. For instance she is the one always dropping orbs on Anub, or being a soaker on Twins.
Granted my sample size is relatively small compared to the overall player size but I haven’t seen anything with the spec specifically where it can’t be competitive. Maybe alot of what we are seeing are players trying to do things based off of how private severs worked and this version simply isn’t the same.
You could say I’m one of those not very good hunters
My poor wife has tried to help so many in this expansion and for whatever reason most of them just can’t seem to figure it out.
Keep in mind when I’m looking at the numbers its from the Details side of things. As I’ve learned from my own character what I’m seeing in the fight can often be far different than what is showing up in logs. By the time they whittle out all of their exceptions I’ve seen 2k drops between my damage meter and logs.
Kind of has me wondering if that’s part of the issue we are seeing from Hunters but it’s not my main ( neither is this priest ) so I can’t say I’ve dug into it too much. Honestly was a little surprised by the threads on it.
No that’s actually an alt of one of our priests 
Was just curious because if she is in your guild you guys are only 1/5 heroic.
Yeah that’s because we’ve had some RL issues just as soon as we started making our attempts on 25 man content. We are what I would call semi-casual so we do have some weaknesses in places. We did that one heroic kill last week with 23 people and an alt tank. We’ve had a couple of DPS that are trying to get caught up gear wise as well.
Doing the best we can with some rough circumstances.
People usually run away from me instead of helping