How is Fistweaving OK

So now that you are resorting to just calling it crying and even said yourself that you didn’t claim it wasn’t broken how about leaving now?

Since you know you really have no reason to be here in the first place?

You can’t really gatekeep who is allowed to post on a public thread.

I was asking questions you’re not bothering to answer,

yeah, because I was the one who started the antagonistic responses

too many children like their echo chambers and think that’s how public forums should work

You came in here making a non argument. You didn’t even have a purpose. So I called you a moron because that’s a moronic thing to do? You are the one making a direct correlation to my post saying you don’t even disagree with the premise but calling it crying anyways because you have 1 brain cell in total?

I brought up the basic knowledge of the healing from FW in such huge numbers requires people to be standing in the stomp itself. Which was a direct counter to you saying no one was being hit by it.

Just keep the feedback coming. Blizzard balances more around the 1600 ish players feedback than they do around 2100+, 2400+, or even rank 1.

You are literally in an optimal position for your voice to be heard by Blizzard. Use that power for good

I saw your post the first time.

yeah it was redundant to keep, doesn’t change that FLS is literally the main component of FW to be possible

You dont need to be standing in FLS to be putting out 9k+ HPS with just AT. Atonement does 2.7-3.7k MAX. So what is your point again?

My bad, it seemed like you were so busy sticking your head up a pink-clad luchador’s rear end that you were losing all perspective in a fit of anger.

No bro I absolutely see your comment about 1600. I just didn’t care.

If you aren’t interested in giving Blizzard feedback about balance as their target audience, why even post?

Just to get angry at others when they point out that you’re wrong?

Just give up man. No ones laughing at your 1600 comment. It’s over.

Good evening.

Is not meant to be laughed at. You deserve love and support. Even Blizzard said so


S-TFU Kennie.

Well, I never. :dracthyr_tea: Hoping all is well.


Nice change. This is a more respectable greeting. you should know better after 18000 posts.