How is Fistweaving OK

How is the healing output on this ok?

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Because its really stupidly easy to stop dead in its tracks.


Fistweaving is a meme bro. Insanely broken in to certain things and completely useless in to others.

I don’t mind certain specs having some damage adding to their healing but like when you do nothing but attack people like you’re a WW it’s actually troll. At least melee wings still sends WoGs and holy shocks off CD, and there is the occasional downtime when they don’t have melee wings

Fistweavers just perma attack, the AI on the heal is completely garbage, the playstyle is boring, you get absolutely destroyed by cleaves and are like immortal in to certain casters.

Idk man another super meme trash build pushed by blizzard for some reason

playing with a feast weaver feels like i’m playing with a tank. it doesn’t feel good at all.

I don’t think you’re wrong here but it is insanely good in to some things in a way that is like so embarassingly braindead.

More important than how good / bad it is, the playstyle is just a joke. Weaving damage rotationally for healing is fine; doing nothing but W’ing like you’re a WW with zero downtime on your melee healing is actually boring, and embarassing from a design perspective.

I’m sure there are people that have fun playing it, but it’s been boring in PvE and it’s borng in PvP. Melee wings, while insanely good, at least has occasional downtime, and you still throw WoGs and holy shocks off CD. MW just actually attacks and maybe they randomly send renewings off CD.

Point more than anything is that blizzard needs to relax with pushing MW towards fistweaving in all content of the game.

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uhhh which things? asking for a friend

Unless your opponents are stupid enough to let you cleave as FW its kinda worthless HPS wise.

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Explain this. What do you mean let you cleave? They dont need to cleave anything to put out insane HPS. we are talking 17k HPS just from Ancient Teachings?

So like

You do know that playing a squishy healer, exposing yourself to ccs and setups, and relying heavily on an RNG system to prioritize heals on the proper target rather than the guy who took a 1k dot tick is not exactly braindead.


Fistweaving is super braindead man. Not saying it’s good, not saying it’s bad, I’m saying it’s dumb and a poor excuse for a spec that Blizzard randomly and for no reason is super keen on pushing on Mistweavers. Literally casted MW is like 10x better than FW. Not trying to say FW is godtier by any means, it’s just a pathetic excuse for a spec.

Reread what you just wrote bro. Relying on RNG healing isn’t braindead? What is it then?

Pressing W hoping you don’t get swapped to and blasted to space like MW are known for or just feared and insta losing the game? There is absolutely no nuance to FW outside of praying targets don’t run away from you, your heal AI works, and pressing renew randomly while you attack players like a WW on a training dummy. It’s the DEFINITION of braindead.

I mean none of this FW complaining really makes any sense because casted MW is actually insane and 100 times better but that doesn’t mean that FW isn’t an abomination and an embarrassment from a design perspective, both for the people playing FW and the people they’re Q’d in to

Blackout kick. In Faeline it hits up to 3 people. And if you have 3 stacks of (can’t remember then name of the buff, but its the one that makes it hit multiple times) each extra hit cleaves too. And since in faeline you get 2 stacks per tiger palm… you can do this every 3rd GCD.

It actually is one of the biggest contributors to Ancient teachings healing, more so than RSK when allowed to cleave.

They don’t push fistweaving in PVP at all. They’ve actually done the opposite since removing WotC after Legion. They push fistweaving in PVE, which is extremely fun to play.
Fistweaving is also something that should be viable, but have the clear ways to lose in the way it does currently.

It isn’t brain dead. You’re capable of controlling, for the most part, how you heal. Most people simply don’t understand that. The BRAINDEAD fistweavers just mongo in and don’t think on how it heals.
The problems with not having a smart heal system is that it punishes mongo players, rather than controlled players.

Braindead is the lizard brain melee who press w and don’t know how to line for half a second.
Brain dead is also the lizard brains who complain about a build that’s really only good in 2s, and very VERY niche in 3s atm.


right lol? Fistweaving outside of 2v2 is a death trap. in 3v3 you literally just CC or focus the mistweaver and he can’t heal. Even if he pops cooldowns it’s hard to catchup once you get controlled or focused as fistweaver.

Absolutely zero nuance to FW and the spec is an abom. This is like indisputable man, it’s not fun from the FW perpsective, it’s not fun from the opposing team perspective. It’s trash.

They’ve buffed it twice this expansion, with the note of “We’d like to see more fistweaving viable playstyles” Attached to the buff. They 100% are pushing it in arena.

I wouldn’t mind a FW playstyle, but the spec needs to have nuance. Running @ people and just spamming damage is incredibly stupid. When atonement is good disc is the perfecty example of this; you get a large portion of your healing from damage but you’re not relying on it 100%, you’re weaving in other abilities to apply atonement, and triage when needed. Obviously disc is disgusting atm but atonement when balanced properly is a good benchmark for what that should look like.

Obviously this is weird for Mistweavers as they are forced to be in melee to do damage where they inevitably die so the whole playstyle makes no sense. Avoidance has always been MW’s biggest asset and those two things are in complete contradiction to one another.

Plenty of FWers @ high MMR and the EU shuffle ladder above 3k is like a TON of FWers. To pretend like it’s super easy to counter or something is just naive on your part. The spec is plenty good enough in the right hands and the playstyle is a joke. If you want damage to do healing you have to do it the right way, and FW isn’t it.

Is it the best healer in the game? Not even close. Casted MW is better. That’s not really the point though.

So you say this. But then in the same post say

Implying that there is indeed some nuance.

what a hatchet job of a playstyle lol they have no clue what they’re doing and just grasping at this point, many such cases, very sad.

The MW always kill my pets!!

It’s crazy strong against players that can’t handle it. When I’m on my mistweaver I have to stand far away or I get blown up. If the fistweaver is in the middle dpsing your DPS are either 1. Not bothering to cc them or 2. Not swapping to them when they should.

The fistweaver should have a port located nearby in the emergency they get stunned which you can kite them out of range. I actually feel most comfortable playing a resto druid against fistweavers because I can at least clone them when I need to and I know my DPS won’t break it and I can stun them.

Now there is a spec I could get behind.

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lmao fist weaving.

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