The hero has traditionally been a mix of Elemental and Enhancement. It summons Dire Wolves, which is Enhancement only. Thrall, the most famous farseer, is constantly melee fighting. Its spells in WC3 are Feral Spirit (Dire Wolves), Earthquake, Far Sight, and Chain Lightning.
You know what it doesn’t have? Healing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Thrall heal either. So how it this a hero spec for Resto shamans. How does this make any sense?
Bruh shaman has had a healing spec for 20+ years now. You missed that boat.
I’m talking about the Farseer Hero Spec, not the shaman class as a whole. I don’t understand the choice to make Farseer a Resto hero spec instead of it being the Ele/Enh option. I expected Stormbringer to to be the Ele/Resto spec since Resto brings the rain and Ele brings the thunder.
Farseers are tied to elements of the earth and sky, thrall is more of the exception not the rule.
Guys he’s saying the flavor of a far seer from WC3 doesn’t fit resto. Which is true, but you can also see far seer summoning “ancestors” as summoning spirits like the ones Brother pike guided to the afterlife. Thats what I headcanon anyway to fit my Tidesage character.
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But WC3 resto is the Shadow Hunter?
I think somebody got attached to the idea of Stormbringer as something that elemental and enhancement shaman would want to be, and they needed something in the lore already for another hero spec. I know the shaman in WoW draws influence from the farseer, tauren chieftan, and shadow hunter hero units and the shaman and spirit walker units from Warcraft 3. I guess they had to make it fit restoration.
I was always planning to play Totemic, because totems took heavy inspiration from troll wards from WC3.
I wish we got Shadow Hunter as a hero spec. If we did, it would make perfect sense as a resto spec. That’s where chain heal comes from.
If I had creative control, either all the specs would be generic (not associated with WC3 units), or we would fully lean into to the hero classes. If Farseer, Dark Ranger, Keeper of the Grove, etc., get turned into hero specs, then why leave Shadow Hunter behind? Make it a spec too.
Trade out Stormbringer and Totemic for Spiritwalker and Shadow Hunter, and make those two the resto specs. They are way more thematic as healers than Farseer.
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You’re consistent, I like it.
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Take that logic and check 80% of the other specs. Alot of them don’t make sense.
I don’t think the abilities of an RTS game unit mean much of anything lore wise.
I think it makes more sense for something connecting to ancestral spirits to be healing related than damage.
Well blizzard clearly didn’t want to go off traditional WC3 heroes because of they did we would instead have much more racial heritage type hero specs in general.
Like mountain thane is 100% dwarf/muradin.
Since shaman is an amalgamation of troll/orc/tauren spiritual classes the hero specs probably should’ve been
Witch Doctor
I don’t know exactly how the specs would be split exactly, and there’s also the non hero units underneath those.
Witch Doctor - chain heal, serpent totem, hex
– troll unit had healing ward
Farseer - earth quake, spirit wolves, chain lightning, but didn’t melee, was pure ranged
– orc unit had lightning shield, melee, bloodlust
Spiritwalker - reincarnation. This was just the chieftain hero, not very shamany
– tauren unit had spirit link, astal shift
So if probably lump resto with spiritwalker/witch Doctor
Enhance with witch Doctor and maybe spiritwalker? Witch Doctor focusing a bit on totems. And then farseer is obviously elemental but doesn’t completely fit the other 2
Err… what?
The RTS is where 90% of WoW lore comes from…
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Shadow hunter - Chain heal (healing wave), searing totem (serpent ward), hex
Witch doctor - Healing stream totem (Healing ward), Sentry totem (lol)
Farseer - Chain Lightning, Earthquake, feral spirit, Farsight
Shaman - Bloodlust, Purge, Lightning shield
Tauren Chieftain- Reincarnation
Spiritwalker - Astral shift (ethereal form), Spirit Link totem (Spirit link)
I think it would have made sense and been really cool if they had given shaman…
Farseer - Enhance / Ele. Focus on spirit wolves, lightning spells, and earthquake
Shadow Hunter - Resto / Ele. Focus on totems, combine chain Lightning and chain heal into one spell and focus on that (maybe a light version of chain harvest)
Spirit Walker - Resto / Enhance - Focus on astral, ancestral, spiritual, and ghost abilities
The RTS probably contains less than 10% of existing WoW lore and the ability sets are chosen for real-time strategy balance reasons more than lore.
yeah i could see that, maybe have shadow hunter be a mix of totemic and dark ranger, giving some shadow/witch doctor stuff.
Yeah but his expac is clearly trying to go back to some of the old warcraft roots and the hero talents kind of suggest that
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