How is AV not fixed?

The matches end in <10 minutes with most people not getting more than a few kills. This is one of the quickest BGs and it is listed under epic BGs. The mechanics of the BG are intended for this BG to last quite awhile, yet 2 minutes after the BG begins, both sides are at opposing ends.

The BG is either a huge boring turtle or quick 1 minute match instead of multiple fights at different war fronts.

This is just a QQ but come on.

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You must be talking about level 60 in AV because under level 60 requires 3, if not 4 towers down to complete. So that means at least one of those towers has the commander to deal with and he doesn’t just roll over… :woman_facepalming:t3:

Yes, agree.

My suggestion is to keep posting or tweeting about this issue. Right now they are aware and have their fingers in their ears going “lalalala”…

Please fix it. This happens every expansion. You can kill enemy boss with all towers up under 10min.

Agreed, it’s incredibly boring and there’s very little pvp in the zerg ones. When we farm honor it’s fun, but can’t do that as effectively solo queue.