How is a person supposed to get gear if they don't like delves?

Oh ok. So then yea two more today then 4 tomorrow how do we get the keys I just have them I don’t really know why or how I got them…lol

Weekly 2 chests, crafting, dungeons, raids.

Weekly 2 chests are from world quests right?

no instanced content gives you a guaranteed shot at exactly the piece of gear you need.

crafted gear is 606 (assuming 3* mats)

or you are a warrior.

queue m+ as tank and set your loot to dps. you can certainly do m0/2 at 597.

but delves are a super easy way to get gear, fill your vault, and get some crests.

im curious how you spent 100k gold on a 597 ilevel toon?

Enchants and crafted pieces. My two crafted pieces alone cost over 50k.

Pinnacle cache, theater, hallowfall lights, elite world quests, worldsoul weekly, the azj kahet spy weekly. Plenty sources. The 2 first weekly you do gives 584 1/8 veteran. The 4 first gives bountiful keys as well.

As far as item level goes the goal should be to get around 610-615 to get easily into 7 keys. Once u get to about 620 then move to 8 keys to finish upgrading heroic gear.

Then move to 10s to get mythic vault slots.

You can send me a message on Thugbug-Dalaran or Thugdacious-dalaran and I can give you my discord where people are always running stuff

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Tyvm I appreciate it.

that will do it i suppose.

D8 with coffer keys are very likely to boost your trinket slots. they won’t be bis, but they will be much better than what you have now, in my opion.

my comment about tanking still stands.

go prot, but set your loot specialization to dps.

if you can tolerate tanking more than delves, this might be the way to go.

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Each zone has a place to get them

Isle of dorm - do the theater troupe it’s labeled on your minimap it’s up every house and takes like 25 mins

Ringing deeps - do awakening the machine there is a weekly quest for it in the main city hub.

Hallowfall - in the north potion of the map there is a place that gives a quest to light 4 torches. Run around kill stuff until you have 16 of the crystals then click the small torches

Ash-kahet or whaterver. Talk to the guy at the main city hub he will have you do world quests to fill up the bar turn that in

Each of the four zones also can have a special assignment which if you aren’t capped on keys will also drop a key.

Nice man! See thank you! This is what I’m talking about like I have no idea how this is working this time around. Now I have goals…I’m super appreciative really.

I kinda knew that but it was like halfway and I wasn’t concrete on anything. lol. If that makes sense. I need direction I guess I have add or something. Without a clear path it’s like bombs going off in my head I get massively confused and just go back to pvp. But I’m good now. Once it makes sense it’s easy…lol. ty for real.


another thought if you want to get into m+ and you don’t really want to tank in a progression sort of way, tank a few +2s to at least get some m+ score.

the thing is a chicken and egg problem: can’t get into m+ without score, can’t get score without getting into an m+ group.

tank a few, get some rating, then go back to dps and see if you get more invites. or, as others have said, pug your own key.


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Also just throwing this out there as an option.

In hallow fall center of the map there is a lake. You can fish the blood in the water to get slum sharks….these sales for like 500-600 a piece.

You can also pick up mining and herbalism and sale all of the mats.

Get about 300k gold and pay for a heroic carry. You could get nothing but you could get everything.

Also if you complete the heroic raid, or hit 2k io by doing like all 8-9 keys you get a piece that will turn into a hero piece of set bonus gear.

Yea it’s getting clear I’m gonna have to tank some stuff. Don’t really mind but it’s just not something I particularly wanted to do. If that’s the path that’s the path though. So…maybe tonight I’ll spec into it and play some normals to get the hang of it. I was beat main for a few years back in the day so I’m sure I’ll be fine just not too excited about it. Who knows, maybe I’ll fall in love with it. Lol.

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I don’t know.

I don’t invite people who have tank and dps roles for keys on raider io.

For the reason you said, if they got their io by tanking then they are going to tank my key


I will never pay for a carry. I know it’s totally acceptable but I personally think it’s cheating. I have a disdain for cheaters of any kind. And I am aware that this is a totally personal opinion. Just takes everything enjoyable out of the game if I can’t do it for myself. I’ll never understand that mentality but to each his own.

Thank you for the tip about the sharks though I enjoy fishing. That will be fun.

Blizzard doesn’t provide any real method to teach players how to play the game - that was the levelling process, something they’ve increasingly trivialized and left whole expansions to die. They’ve gotten somewhat better about reusing them, but they should really go back and do more than a timewalking visit for a week every few months.

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I dont raid or do mythic anything. Just the delves and some of the weeklies for the chests! My hunter is around a 609 IL. Considering i dont do alot of things i think thats pretty good. Probably be higher but i have a big thing for alt leveling lol!!

Also as others have said, and i to had to find out by forum reading… On Fury Warr set loot specialization to Arms

Well your vault is trash because you only do norm and heroic dungeons.

Delves give 603 from bountiful. 610+ vault.

Its safe to assume you are also queuing for dungeons higher than a 2. No one is going to invite you at sub 600 with no score.

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First off target arms gear when in fury. This stopped me from getting one handers. Not liking something not doing it is on you. Gearing is available, your just handicapping yourself by not doing the content that can help you in this matter. LFR is trash, everyone gets the gear but you. Heroic Dungs is a crhap fest you can run them often and get nothing. Delves is where it is at, and your not interested. This gearing problem is on you.