I mean I’m no expert here, but I believe you only have so many catalyst charges in the first place. If you change your pvp gear you won’t be able to just change it back when you want to have the pvp stats right? So yeah getting that 4 piece I believe is far more important even if it means less stats.
Btw crafted gear cannot be converted to a 4 piece to save you a bit of headache.
I’m sure it’s a bit confusing at first but it doesn’t really change much if at all in how to gear up once you get the hang of it.
4 piece, embellishments (usually 2 recommended), weapon enchants, gems if applicable, enchants for everything else, and flask and pots if you want to be fully ready, plus a good single target boss build/aoe build if boss is aoe.
I haven’t done any of that I was under the impression it was all cosmetic stuff. I’ll go take a look later I appreciate it. I can understand why people don’t wanna group with me it’s totally understandable. My gear is not good for pve…I just seen to be doing everything wrong I guess. I mean I just play…i do quests I follow the linear stories indo all the gathering info all the pvp…but then if it doesnt come from lfg or lfr on thenpve side I just seem totally lost. It’s like I’m just spinning my wheels not getting anywhere. Lots of good suggestions in here though and I do appreciate it very much. I’ll shift my Playstyle and try to do as much reading and stuff as I can. Honestly just a bit overwhelmed with it…I’m not a complete idiot though I’ll get it figured out sooner or later. I guess I am very much a minority I just feel so lost.
I find my PVP gear useful in PVE, but I just do the minimum PVE content. I can still upgrade pieces and reach maybe 610ilvl with pvp gear and crafted gear.
But if you want to do any meaningful PVE, you’ll need a separate set of gear with PVE specific stats.
Bountiful chests drop 603 gear. What exactly are you on about here? Because, it seems you just want to complain.
If delves aren’t for you, have you bothered to run your own groups through M+ dungeons or normal and higher raids? It certainly doesn’t sound like you’ve put in much effort to even understand the gearing of the game.
Maybe, instead of expecting people to accept you in somewhat low gear that isnt even in spec for pve, you could do ANY OF THE PLETHORA OF WORLD CONTENT OPTIONS to get caches and starter pve gear with proper stats on it. You could farm materials or gold to get crafted gear for filling in slots that are particularly difficult to fill. People don’t want to put any effort into the RIDICULOUSLY EASY process if getting pve gear. Scapegoating delves, if anything, is only going to make things worse for you when the more competitive people get thrown back into the mix with you when they’re gearing alts.
I have geared 3 80s to ilvl 600 in less than 6 hours each using the anniversary event caches and the two veteran gear khza algar weekly caches. Stop asking for handouts because you’re late to class and everyone else already finished the work.
That’s fantastic for you. I didn’t. Nor did I even know how to do any of that stuff. I played pvp…now I want to get into mythics and I’m trying to learn what to do. Thank you for that wall of nonsense.
And nobody is asking for a handout. If you bothered to read the thread you would have seen my attempts to take advice to the point where I changed my guild and went and started doing what was advised. You don’t need to be so angry about answering a question. Relax. This is why every single post on here turns to garbage. Just stop it…nobody cares about your toons and how awesome you are. Please…
Seems to me Delves are optional based on the loot tables. What you hate is that Delves are EASIER for gearing and you can’t stand them. Delves are meant to be casual, solo player experience. They don’t prep you for higher level anything except Delves. M+ players should just stay in their own lane and gear the way they did in Dragonflight… by running M0-M+10 since Delves didn’t exist.
Champion: 597 - 619
World Bosses
Delve Tiers 7-11
Delve Tiers 4-6 Great Vault
Mythic Difficulty Dungeons Great Vault
Mythic+ Keystone 2-6 Dungeons
Normal Difficulty Raid Bosses
Any quest with a blue ! check out, and if it has a cache reward do it. The event stuff is super easy. Even the pvp one because you’re Alliance, and you would probably want to do that anyway.
Its a shame you posted this week instead of last week because you missed out on Black Temple timewalking.
My suggestion is do all the weekly quests by the inn in Dornogal, do all the cache rewards from the Tanaris event. Consider doing the event world bosses, but you’re right on the edge of those not being useful outside of the weekly quest.
Outside of the event, the easiest 4 caches usually are:
The play event just outside Dornagal
Fixing the machine in the Ringing Deeps
10 wax also in the Ringing Deeps
4 fires lit in Hallowfall
That’s because you know the game. You’re probably like me and you’ve played it for over a decade. This person is clearly a newbie. When you don’t know which way to go and how to prioritize them, there are a lot of directions and pitfalls to get caught in. Try a new MMO you’ve never played before. I bet you spend more than 6 hours figuring out how to get better gear and get caught in a number of pitfalls yourself.
It does help. A lot. I didn’t even know what was better a few hours ago…hero or champion. I had no idea.
After the post and all the answers I’ve got a pretty good idea of what direction to go. It was a lot of info to try to take in all at once. I am an old school player. Play, get a drop…maybe upgrade it. All these lanes and types and different areas and different stuff is a lot for me. So I played almost nothing but pvp since I came back not paying really any attention to anything else so it isn’t just second nature to know all this stuff. I rarely talk to people in game if I’m not looking for a group so none of this stuff was really ever explained to me as I leveled in dungeons and pvp as well. So yea…I may as well have started yesterday.
Is you are sincere here is a super detailed road map.
Start out joining delve groups, your goal is to do tier 8 delves and above. You can get 4 keys a week to do the bountiful delves ( these are the delves that on the minimal look golden ). Doing tier 8 bountiful delves will ensure you champion gear but will also net you heroic vault slots. There is also a chance for you to get a bounty map which ensures your next delve drops a piece of hero gear.
Do normal raid which will get you champion gear
If able do heroic raid or pay gold for a carry this will get you heroic gear while also filling you vault with heroic options.
Then lastly try to run at least 8 level 7 mythic plus keys. You will get some heroic gear from running the keys but it will also fill your vault.
Gearing is super easy…… I know it doesn’t break this down for you in game in a clear precise manner
Yup…starting the t8 delves the morning. Got two down and will finish the other 6 this afternoon if I can. I have 7 keys left. I’ll keep asking for invites in lfg thingy as my ilvl climbs. I know I’m sitting on a little hurdle and that’s what this post was about. I was literally just kinda sitting there staring at the screen with no idea of what to do. I saw I had a vault and when I opened it and saw another one hander I just…lol…I came here. Now I’m informed and ready to go…I’ll be geared soon. I really do appreciate the time you took to reply. Sincerely I was afraid I was gonna get blasted pretty hard here.