How I payed 2 years for sub with gold

Holy shrimp you took that super personally. Someone is fragile…

For the first 10 years (or so) that I played WoW, buying gamegold with real money was illegal. You could lose your account.

Finally Blizz made it legal, but I still don’t do it. Why would I? Making gold is part of “keeping score”, for me. It would make no sense.

Every player is different. Some players only want to raid (not make gold) and have daily repair bills. For them, buying gold makes sense. Anything that helps you play what you want to play is okay.

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I’d much rather go to work for less than an hour and pay the monthly sub.

I saw that! I know it’s colloquial acceptable but it still looks dum.

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I deleted my initial response because honestly I agree with your original point.

30 minutes at my job is a months sub. Heck i even buy gold on top of that :slight_smile:

The thread should be called “how to still pay for wow if you are below the poverty line”

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It’s 15 dollars a month. That’s what? 50 cents a day to play?

If you’re above the age of like 15 and you’re spending 10 hours a month in-game doing nothing but grinding gold so you can play WoW, you need to get off your butt and go get a job like the rest of the world.

I’ve actually been able to buy a few sub tokens just from transmog farming. Regularly doing old raids and just cleaning out my inventory afterwards yields a decent amount, especially across characters. It isn’t efficient by any standard but it is a nice unintentional bonus.

BDO made me lose my tolerance for gold grinding, besides the price of a sub is so minimal that i truly do not mind paying that small amount of money in comparison to the hours i get out of it per month.

Or know where the high school/college kids have their outdoor parties and go collect their empties that they were to drunk/lazy to pick up. $.10 a can or bottle here.

Maxed out my 144 cans per day limit more than once.

Glad there’s not a limit here because I stock up to like 300-400 before I take them in.

While this is good in theory, nothing is ever free. “Free” lunches aren’t free - someone pays for them. Nonetheless, you pay to play by spending time grinding gold so you can pay your sub cost.

While many spend $$$ to play the game, some spend time to play the game. It’s up to you. (You do save $15/mo though, or $180/yr.)

I do exactly the same but I hardly able to buy the 120k vendor mount. Can you please enlighten me how do you gain so many golds by such methods?

Hes full of it basically.

Blizz tightened the screws on passive income.

Why spend an hour at your work to buy a sub when I can make 200k from 1 AH flip in 10 minutes?

Since I don’t think it’s worth paying real money, and I have enough fun making the gold - yep, I currently use gold too.

had no idea this thread would bring out so many hur-dur-I-earnxx$$ types as if that somehow makes them ‘better.’ :laughing:

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I go through the express line for the 1st 144 limit and then go to customer service to cash in the 2nd 144.

bless LA, 15 dollar minimum wage

I used a lowball minimum wage to be more ubiquitous.

Not necessarily. Some people don’t want or need to equate their free time to a dollar value. My free time is completely free. When I am required to “work”, I don’t get paid in dollars. I don’t need dollars at this point in my life.

I don’t pay for this game (paid for it with gold since the first day you could), and if I weren’t playing, my time wouldn’t be spent going somewhere and doing an activity for money.

So, for me, yes, it is completely free. One thing I learned early in life is that I’m not the only one. In any circumstance, for anything. There are others like me.

Different lives are different. Whoa.

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Must be nice being able to physically obtain and hold a job.

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