How I payed 2 years for sub with gold

Or you can do fun things in game and save that money for beer.

To each their own.


Those darn jobs, totally not worth it for irl monies or future careers.


If he has the time and desire to do it. I say good for him.

As for me. The monthly sub is not even an hours work for me so Iā€™ll stick with that.

This guy gets it.

People are also assuming that the op is only making enough to buy one month of game time in that 10 hours. Iā€™m guessing he makes a lot more because I can make that In less than 10 hours a month and I donā€™t even try.

I havenā€™t paid for anything with real money since the tokens were released. Wod + legions mission tables netted me roughly 8M in gold.

Only real game time was done while working (yes I can be logged in all day while at work). I hardly sign in at home now except for the app to check the boat.

It just a day giving blood here. I save a life. They give me $60 dollars. I pay wow and go to movie.

I canā€™t donate plasma because my blood pressure plummets about 10 minutes in. :frowning:

Iā€™ve been paying for my sub with Tokens since them came out 52 months ago. I havenā€™t spent anytime grinding from them. Just selling junk here and there. Thatā€™s $780 in subs Iā€™ve saved.

Or you can just be a nice player and skip the

bit. You donā€™t need to do that just to pay for your game time with gold.

I havenā€™t paid for game time nor expansions since tokens came out and a lot of time in fact I pay for game time on two other accounts. You donā€™t need to try and cheat other players in order to do this.

i have not paid a dime since the tokens came out, also bought the expansion Legion/BfA via gold, and added $ to my Blizzard account to buy the next expansion, just from playing, paid sub until 2021, but must admit I rode the gold winfall from WoD that made much of it possible. Donā€™t have millions of gold now, but i can play classic free for the next 1.5 years :slight_smile:



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Most people took advantage of WoD garrisons which blizz knows was a huge mistakes as they allowed a LOT of players to play for free for a lomg time.

Its 2 fifths of nothing per month worth of money.

Doesnt matter how much anyone ā€œsavedā€ because the money you ā€œsavedā€ wasnt actually ā€œsavedā€ it was just spent on something else instead. Ita not like you have a little WoW bank account and are watch8ng your little nest egg growā€¦

These threads amuse me.

Iā€™ve never bought a token and I donā€™t think I ever will.

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Time spent is never free.


I find this thread so strange. I make enough to pay with gold passively and have plenty left over, without much effort. Lets me save my cash for real world shenanigans I can do other things with. Like a sammich.

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MUCH simpler way: Farm herbs, do weekly islands for 5k gold, sell everything you donā€™t need and run old raids looting everything.

Iā€™ve been playing on tokens too and I didnā€™t need to do any ā€œfarming timeā€, I just play the game and the gold comes to me.

This but unironically

Jobs are for chumps

Where can I find a job that lets me work 2 hours a month then quit? There are lots of reasons people choose to pay with gamegold.

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I have been using tokens since tokens were introduced. My supply is dwindling down though since BFA hit it takes me 2 months to earn gold for 1 token.