How I payed 2 years for sub with gold

It’s like half an hour for me.

Subtle bragging

How to get from $2 an hour, up to comparing it to a $40 an hour job?
Was this sarcasm??

You’re not playing this game for free. Someone is paying for you.

I pay with gold and I really don’t invest any time into making gold other than posting stuff on the AH or stopping to mine sometimes if I’m out in the world. I only have one 120 and it’s all I ever play.

I use my Garrison to make a bit of gold but honestly it just accumulates somehow, I should keep track.

That would require me to get a job lol, not worth

People are getting smart in this thread. If it takes you ten hours of work in game vs 1 hour of work irl. Which option sounds better.

I personally think an hour of work at a job is really easy. Sometimes you can just stand around doing nothing

Unless you enjoy farming gold, then it is worth.

Problem for me is that when I have 15 dollars, I could buy gold, or I could just get some good food. I always pick the food

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Eh, every Christmas I ask for only 6 WoW cards. That pays for 12 months (30 month game cards, that is). Instead of getting useless gift cards to Starbucks or Qdoba, I just ask for them. Without fail, I have gotten exactly 6 for the past ten years. And if I ever need to, I can ask for a card or two for my birthday.

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I pay 13 bucks a month to play WoW. That’s about 10-15 minutes of my monthly income. I want to thank you for this comment because I know there are tons of people who play for “free” and I’ve sort of resented that fact until just now as I can see they really aren’t getting away with anything after all.

I read this at first and thought it was 10-15% instead of minutes haha

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Sell plasma. Couple of hours for $60 and helping save lives.

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Side effects of selling plasma? There are a lot

I’m a bit of a nerd with this kind of stuff…

So that equates to your income being $8,666 gross (or net ) a month. About right? Do I win a blueberry kiss?


Collect cans?

Not getting robbed by the drug addicts and drunks on your way out :joy:

10 hours of work in game vs one hour of work irl. Which will it be?!!

The people that actually make gold fast in this game are ones that are altaholics. Just by playing alts, they probably make 100k+ a week.

I only play one character so that option isn’t for me

I don’t bother playing the AH.

I just engage my alt army in money making world quests.

I’ve also spent a good chunk of time using gold for subs.

The only time since Legion I paid for a sub was the couple mounts they’ve attached to game time (and the first month after I started up my account again. Needed time to build up the gold for the first token)

And yeah, I get that someone paid to get some gold somewhere, and that’s where my token basically comes from, but I’m fine with that. They had the cash to spare, I don’t always have it. I find it easier to just grind out some gold each day and buy a token to pay for the next month.


I think he’s definitely more suited to farming gold to pay for his sub vs some other suggestions here I mean he can’t even spell the word “paid” correctly

I make 18.36$/hr, why spend 10+ hours a week farming gold when one hour at work covers my monthly sub and i can do the things i enjoy in the game without worrying about gold?

I rather just work an hour for a sub. Most of the time I don’t even work :roll_eyes:

I purposefully left it rather vague. 10 minutes would be 6 x $13, 15 would be 4 x $13, which puts it in a general range of $50-75/hr. However, I’m not compensated on an hourly basis, so it’s just a general ballpark really meant more than anything to highlight my personal change in perspective when considering even a relatively small amount of effort exerted to obtain gold to pay for a sub is considerably more than I’ve needed to do.

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