How I Made 120 Gold Fast!

Step 1: Get first aid to 150 skill points (preferable hit level 20 and get expert first aid so you can make heavy silk bandages)
Step 2: Buy all silk cloth under 2 silver per piece.
Step 3: Craft all of the Silk Bandages (Heavy Silk Bandages) you can.
Step 4: Vendor them all! 1 Silk Bandage vendors for 2s (Heavy Silk Bandage vendors for 4s).
Step 5: Profit!

An example I just bough 30 stacks of 20 silk cloth for 10 silver each, 1 stack makes 20 Silk Bandages (10 Heavy Silk Bandages) which vendor for 40s. I made 30s in profit!

(I’ve also made it to Lights Hope Chapel! Level 24 Mage Makes It To Light's Hope Chapel!)



People are buying bandages instead of making their own? First aid is one of the most brain dead self leveling profession there is.

Edit: Ohh vendor/AH, always read them as one and the same.

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No he’s saying make bandages and vendor them


This is basically a form of arbitrage. He’s buying silk on the cheap, making bandages, and selling them to the vendor.


I convert Silk Cloth into Bandages then vendor them, I don’t put them on the AH.

How much does a stack of 20 silk cloth vendor for?

1 Silk Cloth vendors for 1.5 silver, 1 Silk Bandage (which costs 1 Silk Cloth to make) vendors for 2 silver.

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So people on your server were selling a stack of silk cloth for 10 silver? Even though it vendors for 30 silver?


Delete this thread, or fall victim to loose lips.

They will raise the prices !!!


Someone was, but not all, most are selling Silk Cloth for 1.6 or 1.7 silver. Still profitable when you make bandages.

The prices of mats are so low at the moment that the possibilities for arbitrage are everywhere. First aid is not the only way.


Oh there is more ways especially with cooking!

But I found Silk Cloth was the quickest and easiest way on my server.

I made my gold now I shall share my wisdom!

A secret like this doesn’t work if its no longer a secret.


This is a pro tip I’m going to check the AH when I get home. I haven’t worried about gold since I get a free mount but my succubus could use some upgrades.

Also REALLY helps if you have the Vendor Price Addon, nothing fancy just shows what the items vendor price is like in retail. Also helps when you bags are full and you have to delete items to make room for loot.

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Is that on Twitch?

Yup! https:// www.curseforge. com/wow/addons/vendor-price

I hate how I have to break up links :stuck_out_tongue:


Don’t tell them!

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As mages there is no harm were going to be loaded with even more gold soon enough selling portals!


Pretty smart strategy. Won’t work for the long term as prices fluxuate, but a great way to make your mount money!