What seems like a lifetime ago WoW had a model that was very alt friendly, dare I say encouraged. Then came a move from the design team that made it so could still access alts if you wanted to, but didn’t need to feel obligated if you enjoyed playing one character. Moving closer to current events that design direction was changed even further to really encourage investing in a single character, and naturally making it more difficult for alts to “keep up”. Let me be clear that I don’t think that was an intentional move or slight against alts, just the nature of incentivizing investment in a single character.
A person could argue that has always been the case. I myself missed out (barely) in receiving rewards given at a certain rank. At the start of BC I had 5 different classes at level cap (a feat in and of itself at the time) all of which had decent ranks in PvP (but not quite high enough). Point being had I stuck to a single character rather than multiple I could have achieved higher ranks and higher rewards in both PvP and PvE. Single character investment.
Now there have been some additions to BFA that are not congruent with that design direction, in my opinion they actually have very little foresight, thought or direction at all. In the past whether I agreed with the design direction or not, I could at least see and understand that direction and how it fulfilled a specific objective, drove a certain type of player behavior. For example the decisions to keep players on the newest tiered content that game in WotLK. Like it or hate it, there are specific mechanics and content made available that drive players to that content.
I am going to use this “single character investment” as a design goal/objective that is not being met, and design decisions that actually do the opposite of what the team would or should want from their game and it’s design. For me and my feelings about BFA, these will be symptoms of larger issue with the direction of WoW (or lack thereof), that lack of coherency I think is driving some players away, myself included.
Now today 15 years after it’s initial release it is not at all uncommon to have people with at least on of every class at level cap. Personally I find it shocking that some players have 100+ characters at level cap. You rock! I however only have 1 of ever class, with each expansion and free boost, I create an additional class in the opposite faction, but don’t really play those characters.
Right now I am working toward unlocking the races available in BFA.
First, the decision to lock these behind reputation grinds/achievements came as a bit of a shock. Given the significant investment required to unlock (if you look at this character I still can’t unlock them yet, I’m close) it should come with an additional free race change for unlocking. I’m not cheap, I could produce transaction history totaling over $1000 spent in server transfers, faction transfers, race changes, etc. It’s the idea that I have to unlock something and THEN also pay for it. It gives me the rub.
Additionally (and here is where the lapse in design direction is really apparent) the need to unlock heritage armor by creating a new character.
How does that benefit the player? If I really want that race, more than likely I have a class/character already in mind that I want to race change to. So now I have decision to make either I create a new character and abandon the effort and investments into my main, or create and level a character that I have no interest in playing anymore than I have to, to unlock those specific rewards. Bare in mind that while take the time to level that character, I am being pulled away from any sort of relevant content, of which, my presence (good or bad) only serves to make the game feel ALIVE, which is very important for an mmo.
Let me be clear that I have no problem EARNING that heritage gear, or whether that investment is equal or greater than the effort taken to level a character from 1-100, so long as the effort is spent in RELEVANT content.
I might even consider keeping and playing said alt, IF the game was currently more alt friendly.
For me, this is a small example of the problems with the direction of BFA, decisions that appear to have no rhyme or reason to them. Poorly thought out, poorly executed ideas. Someone needs to steer the ship… get it… nautical term… in BFA. Come on that’s funny.
I feel like I’ve been reasonable and respectful in sharing my opinion/perspective on this particular issue and how I feel it is a reflection of the expansion pack at large. I’d appreciate that respect reciprocated, even if you think I’m full of it.