How Heritage Armor Reveals Deeper Issues With Design Direction

I personally don’t see much value in heritage armor. In theory, if a majority of players wanted to tmog into heritage armor, everyone of your race would look the exact same. It’s like the sparkle pony. Everyone wanted it and everyone was using it and then you realize it’s not so special.

I get some people like it and, like most everything in BFA, it’s a grind. I agree that it’s not fun to spend months grinding out a race and then spend however long leveling an alt for something you may want. It’s certainly not the best game design when things are a chore rather than fun.

Dude if you have no interest in leveling what the heck is your problem. I have no interest in leveling either but I am unlocking them all just in case in the future I do.

And if you wouldn’t write boring books on here people wouldn’t miss your point. 90% of what you wrote is needless filler.

LOL okay. Guess you missed the part about being respectful too.

Participating in forums requires both the ability to read AND write. Not just write. To use your words against you “if you have no interest in [reading] what the heck is your problem”.

Your use of logical fallacies makes this an exercise in futility. Your response and position has been noted.

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You didn’t respect my time in this thread or anyone elses if you figure someone should waste that much time reading fluff.

In any case, I am not going to help you keep bumping up this thread.

I don’t see it the same way. I would argue that heritage armor makes the old content relevant again. Is it really “dead” when I see others with me leveling in the old zones? This is just one way Blizzard is attempting to revitalize that content. Just because you personally don’t enjoy it, doesn’t mean it isn’t relevant.

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Again to use your own words against you “You have a choice to do this or not.” if you didn’t want to read any of it (which you clearly didn’t) then don’t.

I really don’t see what the big deal is about just letting anyone on the faction use the armor. It would get more people to unlock the armor. I know Blizzard said they didn’t want you to play the races just to unlock the armor but that’s pretty much what’s going on anyway…lol.

That’s nice to hear. I wish that was my experience. Even on a heavily populated server, I rarely if ever run into ANYONE in old content. Moreover, if I queue for a dungeon I’ve usually out leveled it’s usefulness before the queue pops.

But I would say no it wouldn’t be dead if it is “alive” as you are suggesting. Might be more enjoyable if that was true.

I think it’s because it’s supposed to be something specifically special for a race. In Warhammer Online one thing I really liked was how all armor was race specific so that everyone looked their part in the fantasy. WoW never had that, so I think it’s a new concept. I am personally hopeful there will be many more race-only armor and even weapons or mounts.

In Vanilla I was known that even at lvl 60 I still wore my lvl 35 Bad Mojo Mask. I was running MC in that thing- I refused to not look like a troll! So, for me, it’s really cool and I like it. But, again, not all content is made for everyone, so those other folks just skip it and it’s of no harm or detriment to them.

I can get that. It would be nice to maybe be able to use recolors minus the helms? I know some of the heritage sets have unused colors.

You have to go through a lot to unlock an allied race and then lvl them up all the way. Having some armor usable on more than one race would be cool.

Agreed. I would love to be able to make more use out of the armor I put so much effort in to unlock. Perhaps if they were only faction locked?

Collecting heritage armor is my end game now so I don’t agree that it has anything to due with how poor the game is doing.

I’ll admit that some zones are more populated than others. At least in my experience, the more popular classic zones seem to have more people running around than the later expansions. My best guess is that people start their new characters and then get burnt out. I’ve made it to Draenor on my Zandalari, and I’ll admit that it feels a lot more dead there than it felt in classic, Northrend or Pandaria.

Perhaps I was unclear, I felt like I was though.

I didn’t say the game was doing poor. I also didn’t say heritage armor wasn’t worth the effort.

I feel that more effort could have been made to make earning them a unique experience, that engages the player in relevant content, and doesn’t leave them with a character they may never touch again.

I feel things should be even more character and not account bound.

We’ve devolved from playing a character in a world to being just an avatar with 50 heads of whatever classes or races we want and can interchange them quickly and easily.

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Why or how would it make sense for an Orc, Nightborne, Blood Elf, etc. to wear a Zandalarian Rush’kah voodoo mask? So many outfits people wear already are hilariously outside what their races would find normal or acceptable. I think Heritage (valued objects and qualities such as cultural traditions, unspoiled countryside, and historic buildings that have been passed down from previous generations) should clearly work only for the race itself to give said race its identity. I think a lot of you are missing the entire point behind the heritage armor.

Because you earned the respect of that race and they graciously bestowed it upon you?

No, it does not work that way, and it definitely should not. I cannot even imagine the insane revolution of the Zandalari priesthood and prelates if an elf was wearing that armor. By Bwonsamdi’s blue butt, it would not go well at all lol If folks want to look like a troll go farm some of the other transmog, but leave our heritage to us.

The fact heritage armor can only be used on one race is the primary reason I lost interest in it. Yes, it’s beautiful and thematic…but at the end of the day, I’ll only use it on the toon who earned it (until they release Pandaren heritage armor, and I’m not holding my breath about that).

Frankly, even with as unpopular as warfronts are, I’d like to see them expanded solely as a means of getting racially-themed transmog that can be used across all my alts of a given faction, not just members of a specific race.

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Yeah, and that’s why the heritage armor is not made to appeal to everyone. As an aside, I certainly 100% agree that the Warfronts should have kept going. They gave Orc armor in Arathi and Forsaken armor in Darkshore. I was hoping for a Tauren one and a Darkspear one as well. I do hope they put in more armor designed for those two.