My Lady here was originally a sexy undead lady (huh, that sounds weird). I watched my dad level her a decade ago, and after WOD since I had figured out the rotation just in the few times I played her (running old raids for Gold while he was at work and all) he gave her to me! Which does sound weird now that I think of it XD!
And since then, She’s been my main! This Year, I moved her from Fenris to Stormrage, and made her a human so I can play with my group (Dad & Bro) but, the change won’t last. I’ve known this chick for awhile! Playing Paladin or Shaman feels good, but Warlock is my home for certain! (She’s even got the Black Ice Ring, heh)
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No changes really. More salty tho
I’m pretty sure Magnarok started out as a blood elf mage when TBC released.
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This toon was originally a BE hunter, then I race changed to a nightborne because I missed being a NB when I changed mains.
Then I joined an alliance guild just before cross faction was a thing and changed to a night elf Hunter. Then I kinda missed being a BE so I went VE LOL.
This toon has literally been every elf in game.
Well I’m not longer the off tank for my group. I still pull aggro but now I die.
My original character was a Tauren Warrior. He’s gone through a few race changes as new playable races got added to the game:
- Changed to Goblin when Cataclysm came out
- Changed to Pandaren when MOP came out
- Changed back to Tauren in Legion
- Now he’s a Mag’har Orc
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