Over the years, I’ve moved away from psychopathic characters and decided to focus exclusively on my NE Balance Druid main. I have one other character. A Gnome Arcane Mage who is leveling exclusively through Archaeology who I nicknamed The Professor.
I am no longer interested in playing evil characters anymore.
i haven’t re-customized this character since rolling her in 2009. have several spinoff alts similarly named, however
Aside some beard upgrades and warpaint, hes basically the same.
Fascinating to see how others have evolved over time.
Where does Floofbutt fall into this picture?
Alternate timeline where instead of Fuzzbutt it’s Floofbutt.
You are a mage after all.
My first level capped character was a blood elf paladin in TBC. Near the end of wrath some account theft shinnanigans happened and I stepped away during cataclysm.
When MoP was announced I was intrigued by the different direction in theme so I got new account and made Strahnbrad here. I’ve aged him a little bit in hair color since then.
I enjoyed tanking with him and then glad stance during WoD. Then ignore pain came out and I started to lose interest in tanking.
I still consider him my main even though I shaman now for the most part. (Melee is tough as you get older )
Tailfluff here was originally a red panda monk, but the tails are fluffier on the vulpera side of town. Also Floofbutt is my alt and basically a name variation on Tailfluff so I kinda consider her genderbent reality main
My main, a Nelf male priest, always had the Illidan eyes since WotLK (the linen clothband with yellow eyes peeking through). When Nelf males were reworked in Shadowlands, while they added so many more customizations for Nelfs they took that option away from all Nelves except for Demon Hunters. There is a linen bandage option but the eyes are hidden and it wasn’t the same thing.
So I basically changed to the Owl tattoo option, which adds a bit of a domino mask effect around the eyes. I kept everything else the same. It is close enough.
In WotLK or Cata, when they introduced the barber shop, I changed Watermist’s horns from the “long” style into the “gouger” style.
Then when WoD gave us the updated character models, I gave Watermist body and face paint.
Otherwise, she’s been a white-furred Tauren since the day I rolled her in Vanilla.
Hair was black, them went blue black when it was added to non dks, and now just blue. The blue hair took a bit to get used too.
Toon started as a warrior, got tired of Warrior, so after 14 years of having the same name and race, I race change and name changed. Still getting used to it.
Started as a blood elf.
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They got deleted. I delete them every expansion to start fresh because the game makes it easy to do so. New identity, new connections, it’s refreshing. So my characters don’t change, they die.
I’d be really good for the secret service. I’m there running with a guild doing raids and dungeons then BAM, no longer exist.
The cool thing is, you ever said anything silly, it doesn’t even matter, you don’t exist.
if your talk about my lore main character in WoW, Well, it would be mine in Garrosh’s betrayal and the murder of some of my friends from my faction in Ogrimmar, suddenly one of the bronze flight gave me the opportunity to go back to the time where Illidan trained Demon hunters before TBC.
There time went back while the events of WoD were going on and there I changed from being a slippery rogue from TBC to MoP, to becoming a powerful Demon Hunter, the times change buddy.
PS. WotLK and MoP events like rogue on pirated servers sorry for not having much money.
I can’t say Tal’s changed much. A few cosmetic differences over the years (like when hair color directly influenced cat form fur color…) But he did go from primarily resto to primarily cat a few expansions ago (when healing got too stressful for me/my guild kind of dispersed across other servers…)
The biggest change is his change of transmog every expansion or so… a new look for a new campaign.
(My personal head canon is that in addition to being a night elf druid, he’s something of a freelance spy master running a string of agents across different classes, factions, and even worlds and timelines for the sake of information gathering and all the usual ‘champion please…’ stuff. So all of my alts, regardless of faction, server, or priority, answer to him in one way or another. Even if some don’t know who their mystery benefactor is…)
My Draenei hunter, on the other hand, transitioned from male to female when the option became available in the barber shop. In part because I couldn’t stand the way Draenei males tend to move.
My priest, along with my mage and warlock have been every race and gender you can think of except Tauren.
I have a HORRID habit of changing races when I’m bored rather than playing a different character
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In the 7 years I’ve been playing an Alliance DH, the changes have all been minor/cosmetic (eg, hair style, facial markings). And mostly they happen because – as customization options increase – there is a certain “look” I’m more/less going for, a kind of fierce, tragic beauty.
Give me body / bodypart sliders, and I’ll have even more to work with toward that end.
I created Rosenivy when I was around 19. This was back when I was in the closet of being trans. The Egg as its called.
ANYTIME I was roleplaying as him in my head, certain questions would be him being VERY vague or just weird answers. Or as I joked ages ago “I’d ask them questions and it felt like they were answering in interpretive dance for blind people”
Yeaaaah turns out back when this character was female, the reason they were being so weird in my head was because I was trying to make sense of my own feelings.
I wanna say a good…hm. It felt like maybe 2 years before it was announced that not only would toon gender decisions be free, but male blood elves also got better beards. That I started working with the story idea that they were a trans equivalent in a world like azeroth. I finalized the idea more once I heard about Pelagos.
So yeah. Rosenivy has his arcs sure but given that canon wise, not a lot of time is going on compared to all the years we put into the game, I keep him somewhat stagnant to prevent him from basically flip flopping every expansion story.
My character got black eyes back in BFA cuz you know you gota have back eyes
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When i joined the game i was a blood elf priest.
Then void elves came out so i rolled a new void elf priest.
Then vulpera came out so i rolled a vulpera priest.
Then in shadowlands i levelled a blood elf warlock alt and loved it so much they became my new main. Race and faction changed them many times before settling on being a void elf warlock.
I missed having the ability to heal, so after a lot of trial and error, i now main a void elf monk.
All my characters have been called moritz, other than when i was a vulpera. Then i was mclovin because i found that hilarious.
So ive not had one character thats gone through many changes.
Im an indecisive person who changes character completely.
Hopefully monk works out for me long term because its the only class that ticks all (most) of what i want in a character.
That way my character will never change again
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I’ll try and keep it simple. This is the first character I made and he has been through three name changes and a race change from Tauren to Orc. I started as a clicker but then levelled my alts to learn keybinds. After a few years I returned to this character to play as a non clicker in Legion but got overwhelmed and went back to my pally and mage. When DF released this warrior was the first class I levelled but my hunter feels more like my main now.
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