How has your character changed?

How has your character changed compared to when you first made them? Have you changed race? Faction? Body type? Or maybe some minor stuff like hair color?

Why did you make the changes you made?

My sham started off as a female orc named Thrallette. I made that character because of that one book that explains Thrall’s backstory. I really liked him so I decided to make a genderbent version of him.

Then that orc became a male vulpera because of the allied race hype. He was named Bucktick for one of the bands I like.

Finally, I got tired of being a little fox and I missed being an orc. Also, I was tired of being called butt ticks, butt licks, and butt kick ( :sweat_smile: ), so I took the opportunity to change names too.

Now I have Zigstur, my Ziggy the hamster/Ziggy Stardust named orc. I’m pretty happy with him, but race-changing again will be tempting when belf/velf shamans are added :laughing:


That’s pretty funny.

I have 1 warrior. I race changed her from BE to maghar orc and back again.
I really like maghar orcs but it wasn’t the race that made the warrior more playable for me. For some reason I just can’t get into playing a warrior so she sits around a lot.
Same with my hunters but I really liked survival til this expac.
Now, not so much.


This character started in 2004 as a Nelf, then went Human for a few years, and is now obviously a disguised Velf.

Both changes were for RP reasons at the time they happened.


So the headcannon for Fuzz is that they were a vulpera that has died several times and every time they get shoved into a new body.

For a period of time, they were an orc because there were no vulpera parts available (I race changed for racials and had to make up an RP excuse but then once the guild I was in fell apart and they weren’t min maxing racials I went back to vulpera).

Fuzzierbutt is Fuzz’s clone same with Fuzziestbutt.


Clone 1.

I’m the best clone of the 2 clones.

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No I’m the best clone!

lol but anyway you get the idea XD

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Half my current roster were once alliance.

Then my alliance guild died and I followed one of my guildmates to Bleeding Hollow and joined a Horde guild. So the toons I brought over went from alliance to horde. Since I didn’t want to pay for more faction changes, I just remade my lesser played alts.

My poor druid went from night elf to troll and then back to night elf when cross faction guilds were enabled lol.

I hated being a troll :slightly_frowning_face:


The only thing that’s changed about this character is her eye color when we were able to have different color eyes. Dark blue with the iris. I need some ranger tattoos, jewelry options, and scars then I’ll make some actual changes!

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this guy started a goblin, became a mag’har orc when they came out in BFA because the idea of being an orc priest seemed cool, then went back to goblin after they got the texture update

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Some of my characters did when I went horde in SL, but most of the time I just end up leveling a new one since it’s so fast compared to how expensive bulk server transfers can be.

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My eyes went from green to gold.

During Legion, I decided to go with a more Black and Gold theme for my Warlock. I am a Horde Sindorei who is not fond of the color red… this transmog has worked for me. The top hat from BfA really made the outfit.

But more to the point - having the option to change my eye color from green to gold was awesome. Now my eyes match my outfit.


I don’t know who my main is, I guess my oldest character which I use for achievements counts as my main. He is a night elf hunter for shadowmeld and also because I find them handsome. He was a gnome. He was a female human. Before that he was a male night elf (again). He was a female night elf before that when you had to pay for gender changes. He was a male dwarf.


She was an adventurous barfly with a chip on her shoulder and no real direction in life.

Now she’s a respected Archmage of the Kirin’Tor, wife and mother living on Quel’danas. But she still travels around and blows stuff up. On official business of course. Her family only knows a hint of what she does.


i’ve changed her hair a few times over the past 13ish years, but otherwise not much has changed with her. the name isn’t available on other servers i would play on, so she’s not being transferred.


This toon used to be a real hardcore murder hobo, now she just casually murders things :slight_smile:


I have other characters that have through more race changes and some with name changes (one forced, others by choice), but Phara here has also been through some changes as well:

I paid for an appearance change in late 2011, and then race changed to Dark Iron Dwarf as soon as I was able to unlock it when they became available.
hmpno hmp
Now, I’m livin’ the…
glamorous life

I prefer using the the lighter gray skin and red hair on her, but sadly I do have to change my skin/hair color with certain transmogs because the light skin doesn’t look right with some items, especially with the lighting used for the forum avatars.

I knew who you were, but now I know where buck went. I do hope you are doing okay these days.


I have enough Pharazons these days for a 21 gun salute. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


I chopped off my limbs (personally) and the gang replaced them with metal.

I then dug out my eyeballs with a fork and replaced them with these goggles.


Been a draenei warrior since the first evening of The Burning Crusade. Changed spec a few times, lost the shirt. That’s about it.


I’ve never race, gender or class changed a character. I’ve retired a few and am close to being maxed out on how many characters I have. That said, lots of head canon changes over time as they reflect my aging.