How has ED held up over the years?

I remember fond memories during WoD before flying. Mostly dying to WSB, and then playing alongside WSB.

With everything that’s happened, the corporate drama and the classic impacts, how has the server held up?

Is RP dead? Has the Alliance been able to fight back?

Cheers to (I think) one of the only balanced realms.

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ED is basically dead right now. The only activity is from a swarm of flies feasting on its rotting flesh. Once those flies get bored and quit again maybe it can be rebuilt, but maybe not.

The rest of us have more or less moved on for now.


The server is super active and balanced right now.

WSB and USA/Warcraft Mafia have been duking it out all over Shadowlands and Azeroth.

Roleplay is seeing a resurgence on Horde due to the efforts of Skitts and the Crimson Crow.
Not sure about Alliance RP!


Outside of a handful of miserable people the realm of ED has held up pretty well.

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Interesting feedback so far, thank you.

ED always had some strong personalities, but I think the body of work and it’s commitment to realm balance have really shone as a great example. But perhaps, as a returning player, I’ve got rose-tinted goggles on, or just miss ground WPVP. :slight_smile:

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Plenty of world PVP to be had still :slight_smile:


Emerald Dream is the greatest realm in this game!

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But if I wanted to return to retail as a sacrificial offering to WSB, would I be allowed to join a guild like [USA]if I’m in fact, a Canadian from Northrend?

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We have a snow division here. I’m sure USA has one too.

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Thanks all. Classic actually brought me interest in retail again, so I will hope to see some of you ingame at some point!

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Trust me man, either guild would be willing to have you! Come on back to retail and give ED another go.

Just joined the server levelling a new toon. I haven’t seen anyone else 0-50 and I have applied to numerous guilds none of which have replied or tossed me an invite.

Not really ready for pvp yet but the server seems very dead to me compared to a toon I levelled on another server.

Was really hoping all the hype about ED was true but not seeing it right now, I hope I am wrong.

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What is your character name, and what faction are you on? It would help some of us here get you into a guild and into some good content. You won’t see as many people leveling because we don’t get thrown in with other servers, but at max level there are plenty of us doing things throughout the week.


I was in denial about this for so long but its true. Even low pop servers have more people running around the world compared to ED.


Levelling zones om Emerald Dream have been dead for more than 12 years. There’s just not much levelling going on even though it’s a high pop realm. The war mode split doesn’t help.

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Leveling these days isn’t a good indication of a servers well being anymore. There’s so many different phases that you’ll hardly find anyone on any server.

there is truth in not being able to judge EDream by the leveling zones… however, the main content zones are just as vacant in warmode… there really is no wpvp the way there used to be

(the reason EDream is even known).

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There’s ganking going on in both Stormwind and Orgrimmar all the time. See the RP story that was just recently written about one druids adventures.

There’s a reason why even those who leave our realm continue to populate our forums. ED has a rich culture.

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I just wish people hung out in front of Org, or in Org, or in Stormwind, or IF, or Gold shire like was common back in the day. Main city hubs that are sanctuaries are boring. If you want people in the world, restrict things to zones where things can happen. Also, if they split up where vendors were like they did in MoP, you create reasons for people to go certain places.

Have the PvP vendor in Maldraxxus, have the transmog guy in Ardenweald. Create places for people to go and there would be a lot more people in the world.