How hard will you quit this for the league of legends mmo the minute it comes out

Why would I play a MMO designed around random MOBA characters who look the least interesting compared to the rich lore of WoW?

It would be about a -5, just saying.

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LoL has one of, if not THE worst communities in gaming. I couldn’t imagine the crowd that would surge to join the MMO version.

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Yet you still play a Blizzard game, just saying.

I’ll definitely give it a look. It’s clear the game designers in wow have no clue what they’re doing and they spend most of their time trying to manipulate the player base than actually making the game fun.

So many blizz fanbois saying riot is distasteful company while they continue to support a company that stands for communist china oppression.


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I despise Riot’s anti cheat, it’s essentially a virus, ironic.

Still though, if female yordles are playable

We don’t even know what the mmo will even be yet. It might be based in the league universe, or it might be something completely different like valorant was. If the game is promising I will play it 100% but nothing has beat wow yet sadly so we will see.

Depends on the combat lol. Anything click to move is a hard no
It would need to have the same combat and movement system as wow for me to consider it

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I hate the type of player this game attracts already, I could not imagine what toxic stew a LOL MMO could create .

I also hate MOBAS. I would love for all these types to go to LoL from Wow though as maybe we can have an actual mmorpg again here.

So hard that even moonguard would feel violated.

I played LoL back when it was brand new
 have they done anything to address the worst in game toxicity I’ve ever seen in my life yet?

Considering the LoL community, I prolly wouldn’t touch it.

So is this one though.

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League and its world are so uncompelling to me.

Trust me, I’ve been actively seeking a better MMO for years, but it hasn’t been created yet.

I want an MMO that focuses on being an RPG first, and an e-sport, never.


All I remember about Ghostcrawler is him repeatedly nerfing the holy hell out of my shaman because of pvp issues when I didn’t pvp.

Also him apologizing because they rushed Cata out without bothering to finish the Alliance side of the story.

I will have nothing to do with any other game he’s involved in.

Never cared for league or any other MOBA. A game revolving solely around pvp doesn’t appeal to me long-term. Always down for MMOs though
 so keeping an open mind.

Dunno. On the one hand, UGH TenCent. On the other hand, at least they won’t sabotage their own game for fear of import censorship or Twitter loonies.

lol the community is full of angery incels, no thanks


I won’t. 0/10