How hard will you quit this for the league of legends mmo the minute it comes out

Here at the birth of wow. Will be here after the death of wow

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Will see how Ashes of Creation comes about.

Is this some sort of peasant joke that I’m too poor to afford two subscriptions?

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I only cared about LoL when that KDA Popstars song was a thing. And only that.

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I feel ya on that one. It’s either going to flop or just dominate. It honestly only needs to give us 50% of what’s promised and it should put most other MMOs to shame.

no interest. so a Zero from me. but i will probably sign up for beta, cuz i always do for MMO’s. but its not like ill be excitedly checking my email for it. even if i do get in beta, it better really knock my socks off and tickle my pickle for me to consider it.

12 atleast

I’m sure it will be the next MMO that people advertise on the forums.

Yet, they will still come to WoW to tell us our game is bad :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m sure you also buy non-animal testing shampoo and other cosmetics. Maybe only fuelling your car at home from your ethanol still?

negative eleventy one

People don’t need to quit over this game as they’re quitting over SL already and not happy chappies.

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Don’t feel like hearing kids and teenagers farting on the mic. Sorry.

0 out of 10


League of What?

Well considering that at the moment there is no League of legends MMO to switch to at the moment. For me that would be a 0 out of 100. All we know is that they are developing a MMO and we know that Greg (ghostcrawler) Strett is leading the project. But their is no more new development news about the game as of right now at least.

I’m interested, but definitely need more info about it, regardless I think the more MMOs that release are better for WoW, Blizzard needs to wake up and re-ignite the flame of passion.

If it looks interesting I’ll def give it a go, but hopefully more news releases this year.

Mmos I’m looking forward to are Ashes of Creation, the new Amazon created Lord of the Rings and LoL mmo.

if it’s so bad, why stick around and torture yourself?

are blizzard holding you hostage?

blink twice if you need help.

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probably pretty low number for me sorry, while iv always liked the character designs of LoL (Especially Kindred) I dont think it would make a very good MMORPG.

But hey if it lights a fire under blizzardvisions butt I am all for some real competition, maybe they will try harder to win over players and spend less time trying to stretch out meager content with gates and waits.

You definately work for blizzard. You spend all your time on the forum defending this game. Well I’m done with you White Knight goodbye.

Def a 10. I like LoL lore and I hope Riot does it justice, unlike Blizz and their terrible writers.

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It really depends on Riots approach on the MMO. In their latest attempt to inject themselves into the competitive fps genre, they created Valorant. Subjectively speaking, Valorant is a mildly entertaining fps game with watered down skills, uninteresting characters, ok map design, and a desolate feeling world. Almost all aspects of the game feel shoehorned in because the foundation of the game was built to 1up counter-strike and not to necessarily build a new frontier for fps games. They just want to be the new shiny version of an already existing thing.

If Valorant is an example to go by in regards to what the philosophical foundation of the game is going to be, then maybe a 4/10, mostly because I don’t see myself playing shadowlands for much longer and I wouldn’t mind a new shiny version of a thing that already exists.