if it looks really polished ill give it a try but im betting that game is a long ways out and could still get scrapped before we ever see it. Now Ashes of Creation should be out late this year and that game looks worth trying. as for WoW its had a pretty poor showing the last two expansions, sub is 6 days left and what iv seen from the 9.1 leak doesn’t do a thing to change that.
League of Legends needs to invest more in advertisement because I have no idea what you’re referring too.
As we used to say in my day, “QFT.”
That’s “quoted for truth for you zoomers.”
Never played League, probably never will. Therefore:
The MOBA community isn’t an MMO community. There are a lot of contributing factors to League’s toxicity that aren’t exactly inherent to Riot as a company.
I’ll probably take a look and wind up back here because sunk cost fallacy.
I’m definitely going to check it out.
But the only MMO besides WoW that has maintained by interest is FFXIV which I play when WoW has its content droughts. I’ve tried out all of the “WoW killers” but they always lacked something that WoW ended up offering.
I love MMOs but unfortunately it seems to be a stagnating genre, but I’ll keep trying them out.
-10 here.
I’ll check it out if it comes to fruition. I really enjoy the LoL universe and lore, just not the MOBA.
seriously not interested in another game at this point.
WoW and ESO are more than enough.
IDK. Depends on the path Blizzard takes.
If they keep putting out content that’s unappealing to me, I’ll just keep playing other stuff until I find one that has content that does. Final Fantasy is scratching that itch, currently. But end game might not appeal to me.
IDK if I’ll ever truly quit WoW. I think being actively subbed between the initial launch and that last patch is something that I likely won’t do again unless they add a new sort of collection content. But I’m invested in the story and my character. I’d just rather wait and binge all of it at my own pace.
I know nothing about League of Legends, but I know that Riot has the resources to make a good MMO if they wanted to. But I also doubt that the studio has the older/seasoned MMO player in mind when they’re looking at player demographics.
We don’t know NEARLY enough about the LoL MMO for me to make any decision regarding it other than ‘let’s keep a vague eye out for more news’. lol
I have very little hope for that game. Surprise me!
Yea literally 0 never played league and wow is is my favorite game
So, what kind of immorality are we talking here?..
…asking for a friend
Riot is a one hit wonder and I have no faith in them trying to breach the toughest gaming market.
11/10 if I can kill yasuo
They’ve already had two definite hits: LoL and Valorant. And LoR isn’t doing too bad for a third game either. NOt a ‘hit’ but… doin’ decently.
Very strange. Yes, League is toxic but honestly not much more so than this community (or any online gaming community in the year 2021). In my experience the toxicity of a random battleground is roughly the same as a League solo queue match.
I think part of the reason why League is perceived as so much more toxic, is because it’s much worse at the bottom of the ladder. When you’re leveling your account/in extremely low elo, you see far more toxicity–and over the top, racist/homophobic/hope you get cancer and die type toxicity. Once your account is leveled up and you’re at average elo or higher, it’s really not that bad. More passive aggressive than anything.
Any competitive environment online will be roughly as toxic as any other. And, in any competitive online environment, if you go in with the right attitude, you can reduce the toxicity around you…
A lot of it just comes down to people going into the experience EXPECTING toxicity. If you walk into a room full of people with the assumption that they’re all a-holes, you’re going to probably not be surprised because you’re already primed to see anything they do as a-hole behaviour. If you go into that same room with no expectation, then probably only a few of them will look like a-holes because you won’t see everything as a-hole behaviour.
Only game worthy of dropping wow for is elden ring.