How hard is rank 13 grind?

How hard is it to grind rank 13? I’ve heard the horror stories of rank 14 but I’m curious how much easier 13 would be.

How hard is it? As in terms of difficulty? Not very. Literal automated scripts can and have done it.

It is a time commitment though. 4 to 5 months of many-hours a day. Its not “hard” but it is a life-style choice.

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Decay doesn’t become a big problem until like r10-11. So you only really have maybe a month and a half of big farming.

Will still take long time tho.

Yeah I got to 11 and the push for 12 just seemed like it was gonna cost me showering, eating somewhere besides my desk, vacation days, relationships …


where as i pushed 12 pugging and only playing 30 ish hours a week ( most of those on the weekend’s / late in the week which avoided alot of the premades. )

I still havnt dropped below r11 yet because the padding on my realm is rediculous.

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It depends on your server. Prepare to play 12+ hours a day if you’re on a small server with no premades. You can ride b3/b2 all the way up to rank 13, but the time commitment depends on if you can join a premade, how many people are in your player pool, if people are stacking brackets, etc.

Riding b2/b3 takes over all longer to rise in ranking, but you spend less time playing a day because you need less honor to cap. That’s the trade off. If you can cap b1, you will rise through the ranks a lot faster, but you will be grinding a lot more honor during the day.

It’s quite easy actually. You just need time and friends.

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Depends on realm I just have been doing a fun amount of pvp and am nearly there.

If you’re doing a “fun amount’” of pvp, you’re being bloated in and you don’t realize it. You should pay respects to anyone capping b1.

Oh I know our server caps are pretty low for each bracket outside of br1. I also have to stop b4 i go over 250k not to upset people. I do enjoy pvp however so its a fun amount for me.

Probably a few months of casual BG play (5/6 hours a night after work) and doing all the BG weekend battlegrounds.

wtf why lmao

It depends on your server.

I’m doing the rank grind a second time, this time on my alliance, and I just hit 13 today. I’d say it’s gotten progressively easier to rank. It was way harder the first time. This time up to 11, I didn’t even play that much, I Just played in pugs on off raid nights and ranked up.

Once I started going for BR12 BR13 and the last week BR14 it took more time but I was able to get into some good premades with decent honor per hour. Again, with fewer people ranking now it has become easier and easier to rank but that really is server dependant.

you are aliance not like you have to wait 2 hours in a AV que for an maybe hour long av turtle

R14 is one month of grinding longer than r13.

I got to r10 playing solo/casually then r10-r13 was about 5 weeks of premading. 10-11 1 week, 11-12 2 weeks, and 12-13 2 weeks. 13-14 would’ve taken me a minimum of 3 additional weeks. Most likely 4.

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R10 is about the best you can get on my server solo. B11 normaly takes 250k honor or more just to get into it.

Its not hard. Its just about having no life.

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Nobody should be doing AV to rank past like rank 8. On alliance side it is not worth it at all. Horde side you can queue it while you farm, dungeon, raid or do other BGs and it’s worth it. But as exclusive the way to rank? Nah.

I agree, it’s just a time gate. It helps to be a social/more skilled player who gets invited into the (better) premades but it’s mostly all about time, which I always say on here.

I read my post above and I do say harder but “harder” referred to it being more difficult to balance into my life. Sleeping for 2-4 hours a night is not very healthy. I can get 4-6 hours a night of sleep now and do my regular job/chores/family stuff.

That’s two days of Solo Q.