How hard is rank 13 grind?

Try it with out a paldin :slight_smile:

Thankfully, with AQ out, I won’t need to bother with rank 13-14. I’ll just carry Nightfall with my NR gear, get T2.5 Avengers, and PVP for FUN, not for gear.

Could care less about the titles, mounts or even the weapons, since I have Ashkandi.

It’s not hard at all.
But it’s a huge grind that you will want to quit every now and then.
It’s also the worst trust exercise you could ever go through.
(if you are bracket stacking)

Depends on server/faction I’m sure, but on our server B3 cap is usually 600k or so. You can usually average 15k at least in premades so 30ish hours a week over 7 days. If you cap every week usually about a full rank a week for 7-10 and around 2 weeks per rank after 10. After rank 12 you’ll need to start hitting B2/B1 which is usually an extra 5-10 hours a week

If you are horde good luck, 2 hour que’s and if your lucky its not to a an AV that’s about to end bearly giving 1k honor WSG/AB are about 90% pre mades so …ya GL

well, on my server its 1/2 hours queues only to endless boring toxic as sh*t yojamba or arugal premades, so yes Rank 13 would take forever.

Depends on how bad your server is. Really. If you can set level caps and everyone follows them and it isn’t that bad. If you have a lot of selfish people who want to be rambo and break the brackets then it would be rough.

Pretty horrible grind.

I’ve done r10 solo. I would not repeat it or recommend anything higher to anyone. Yes premades make it easier, but you end up absolutely hating those you queue with by the end of the grind.

There are far better uses of your time. Lying down and doing nothing for 3 months is also objectively better.

A lot easier now, caps on most servers are like half of what they were earlier this year

Sounds like some toxic people you played with.
That’s not an issue for everyone, I still quite like the people I ranked with.

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Sounds like he is toxic himself

This sounds like a you problem which is the same thing posters above said. When I ranked my druid here I liked almost everyone I ranked with. Even people who I normally wouldn’t talk to like the guy who camped the black lotus spawns with his level 1 ghost alts.

On the alliance I’m ranking I like almost everyone I rank with as well. However, I will admit there are some people who are super negative and I don’t like being around that so I try to avoid “that group”. However, I’ve made friends and I’ll log on and get invites from them right away to the groups they’re in. It’s made me know a lot of people from a lot of guilds pretty well and I really enjoy that.

I certainly do not hate everybody, and if you do then yes it sounds like a you problem. Hating people after grinding to rank 10? Wow.