This has nothing to do with skill, and never has. To be successful at that level of keys, you are doing a good amount of research on your class and others, likely spending gold or farming for flasks, pots, food, etc.
None of these tasks fall into the realm of ‘casual’ play.
Not just because people get sick / have to work late / lose power or internet occasionally, etc.
But because the number of healers changes between fights. If you have 20-people with 5 healers on the roster, and then do a 2-healer fight, either you need 3 of those healers to be COMPLETELY proficient as DPS and pull top numbers, or you need 3 more DPS on the roster.
The mythic raiders I know are far from casual. They raid constantly at all levels on mains and alts and they know the mechanics backwards and forwards.
In my limited mythic raiding experiences it depends on how you define the word casual.
Casual by overall time investment in the raid (6 hour raid weeks), then absolutely yes.
If you consider a casual to be someone who puts in little effort to learn their class, look at their logs, and find a good raid atmosphere with knowledgeable leaders, then no shot.
“it has nothing to do with skill, it has to do with casual players not knowing how to play their class, and spending very little time in game having pots and foods”
It wasn’t. I’ll type it slowly for people that don’t seem to get it though. If you’re playing with higher end content in mind, and doing all the extracurricular tasks that are associated with said content, you flat out are not a ‘casual’ player.
The hangup here is that players like to deem themselves casual because playing ‘hardcore’ has a stigma attached to it. Denial isn’t just a river.
That is what it takes to get a few flasks and pots.
So are you saying 45 seconds is the cut off at an AH for being casual/hardcore? And that “casuals” are unable to do this?
Why does “hardcore” have a stigma attached to it? It seems like the only people that attach a stigma are ones that like to make up things “hardcore” people have to do. They want a stigma there, so they can pat themselves on the back for being “casual”.
You seem to have a checklist of what defines “casual”. Care to share with the class because it really feels like youre just making up the rules as you go.
Getting sick of people using the term “casual” to excuse being bad at the game. Currently raid 6 hours a week and we’re 4/10 M right now.
Eh, what? You do like 4 M+ a week on top of raiding and you’re good to go. That’s not “double or triple” the amount of time. That’s like… 3 to 3.5 hours at most.
(of an activity at a school or college) pursued in addition to the normal course of study.
Watching a preview of something is not in addition to normal. It is the baseline. Using professions, something this forum has said is casual content and is available to every single player is not in addition to normal, it is normal. Reading the journal which is provided by the game is not extra.
I am well aware of the definition, you are just trying to make anything that isnt walking into a raid and pressing buttons not part of the literal minimal expectations.