How hard is mythic raiding?

Do you need to be serious in playing game to do mythic raiding or can you do it casually to make full clear?

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Depends on the boss tbh. I’d wager most decent heroic guilds could clear the first couple mythic bosses, but a lot of guilds are gonna get stonewalled by Sludgefist, Stone Legion, and Danny D


You can do it casually, it’s all just based on how quick you want to progress. There are Mythic guilds out there that only raid a couple nights a week.


What is your definition of casual? To some a casual doesn’t even have time to do their callings, to others KSM is casual content.

it depends how good you are and how good your team is. i raided mythic in BRF/HFC and we were US 100-150 on 3 nights/13 hours. some of us were on many hours a day and some mostly just logged in for raid (i was more the latter). there were at least a couple of US top 50 guilds raiding only 2 nights a week.

so if you’re motivated and good at your spec(s) you can find a home that raids low hours and gets CE kills. be aware that it’s competitive and you’re probably not as good as you think you are (no offense intended; i sure wasn’t when i first jumped to mythic). you don’t just jump from an AOTC guild to a CE guild overnight. set a realistic goal and take your time

Mythic Raiding deliberately has a pretty generous difficulty curve.

If you can kill Denathrius in Heroic, you’ll easily get Shriekwing and Huntsman and shouldn’t struggle too much on Devourer post-nerf. From there it ramps up to be a bit harder than Denathrius, but there isn’t really a big “jump” in difficulty, not until the later half of the raid at least.

Getting into Mythic is the hardest part. The term “recruitment boss” isn’t a joke.


Casual is just time invested, I know guilds who raid 2 nights a week mythic, for only three hours per day and that is all the time they bother putting into the game.

They’re just incredibly efficient and effective at their gameplay.

Casual =/= Bad at the game.

I know many players who are not at all casual (30 hours a week) but only do super super easy content, like myself nowdays.

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6 hrs a week. That’s a casual Mythic raiding.

usually take 4-6 months…depends on your team competence.

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Well there are always those first few bosses that can be PUGed but typically the PUGs are made up of very well geared players who know the fights, come with consumables and ready to do some “work”.

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True, but the skill and time investment that OP is willing to put in to raid “casually” needs to be defined.

You can get CE consistently as a 2 night a week guild. But you still have to be inherently good players to do so, and being able to actually raid log isn’t really a thing since M+ got introduced into the game.

Not if you want to actually keep up with everyone else in the team.

Myth only raids for 6 hours a week, but most people will put in double or triple that into doing non-raid content out of necessity and enjoyment.


The hardest part is probably finding a suitable, stable group with the following.

  1. Times that work for you
  2. People you actually like running with, or at least don’t dislike running with
  3. People that aren’t meager or trying to get someone else in that has no business being there
  4. A guild that meets the above as Alliance that isn’t a long-established guild and isn’t looking to go Horde at the soonest opportunity, arguably the hardest part

Anyone calling KSM level play to be casual is lying to themselves.

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My guild raids 2 nights/3 hours per night.

Not sure I’d say we are incredibly efficient/effective though.

Just 3/10m. But we push along through mythic throughout the course of the tier.


Are you saying that people who play WoW casually are not capable at being decent at the game?

Didn’t you just post about how you couldn’t get into a normal nathria run???


You will never be able to casually clear a mythic raid while its still a current tier

I think we need to go back to the ever changing definition of “casual”.

How long is a piece of string?

The thing about raiding is it doesnt matter how good you personally are. You have a whole raid of people who can mess things up for you, difficulty is going to vary based on your own group. Mechanics are learnable and designed to be overcome, there are no mechanics that could not feasibly be avoided by any class/spec. If everyone in your raid can do mechanics and keep up dps you will find mythics to be very easy, as most raiders will attest this is not the case for most people in raid groups, im sure most guild runs have that one guy, some have 2 or 3 of that guy who cant do mechanics. End of the day practice dont be that guy, help that guy where you can and your experience in raiding will get easier.

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My guild’s mythic team is a 2 night, 3 hour team. We just got Innerva and are moving got some pulls on council. We’ve got roughly a new boss a week since moving into mythic.

Were not trying to be a HoF guild and our thoughts are if we get Cutting Edge awesome, but were not going to kill ourselves to get there either.

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Question: can you do it raiding 6h/week? What about 4h/week?
Current ilvl of the group: 212

Can? If your team is good and prepared before you start pulling (researched fights, uses consumables even when unlikely to get a kill, etc) sure.

Is it likely? Depends on how good they are, how effective the leadership team is, raid comp, etc.