How hard is it to get a tank and healer while leveling and end game?

It’s very easy.

If you’re leveling a mage, you have a lot of options, and don’t need a tank for instances.

I found this, in my personal experience:

  • leveling a healer is fast
  • Leveling a mage is pretty fast
  • Leveling a tank is slower than leveling a mage or a healer

Server is a big factor. On some servers, it seems that many just pay someone to carry/cheese them through dungeons, so getting normal groups together may be difficult. On other servers, paid carries are rare and normal groups are not hard to find.

The other big factor is how much effort you are willing to put in. If you just post “LFG [dungeon]” and give up when you don’t get invite within a few minutes, you will usually fail. But if you put in some effort, maybe up to an hour, posting in LFG channel with a macro and building your own group during prime time, you’ll have a lot more success.

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Best bet is to join a guild that has people leveling with you.

Then you only need to use LFG as a fall back if you’re short a dps.

I don’t quite get why people complain about how long it takes to get a group. I just go about playing the game, questing or farming, with the lfg channel open and if a group comes up I immediately join it and keep questing until it fills up. Or I’ll put in the lfg request and continue playing the game. It’s a global chat channel. You can be anywhere in the world to use it. I also don’t wait until I’m high for the dungeon. As soon as I can enter it I start looking. If it takes a couple of days and I level up while looking I’m still on the low end level wise for the dungeon.

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You won’t be able to hit anything if you’re a dps six levels below the last boss.

Yes when on a dps I’ll wait a little longer but there’s no reason to wait until you’re at the high end for the dungeon. Mostly I play a holy priest and there’s not a surplus of healers on my server. Most groups would rather go with a holy or resto specced healer at a bit low level than a higher level shadow specced priest or feral druid that agrees to heal.

I did RFD some weeks ago with a full group on the lowish end for the dungeon. As we got closer the end it kept getting harder and harder. When we got to the last boss we couldn’t get it down. But it was a fun dungeon and everyone got some great gear upgrades being as we were on the low side for the run. I guess it’s all how you want to play the game. A quick zerg when you’re high enough that it’s easy or on the low side when it’s a challenge


It’s pretty difficult to find tanks. Also 90% of tanks have no idea how to even tank properly. Even in full bis BWL you can wipe in LBRS due to bad tank pulls and decision making. This why I choose to play a druid tank since I get instant ques, I make sure my group never wipes, I get priority que in every guild raid, I get priority on gear, and sometimes even get gold to tank dungeons. There’s alot of solo farms available for druids so I really am living my best life.

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Roll a Druid. You can tank, heal and be a caster like a mage.

No one lets Balance Druids play PvE content though.

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This is the myth that sweaty try hards will have you believe but I have raided with Moonkins and pvped with and against them at end game. I do not think OP and his companion are working on spots on the slam team…


It mostly depends on your realm and the hour in which you and your wife will play.

If you’re on a high pop realm and you play during prime hours, there will be no problem. It would be best if you took the initiative and tried to start the group though. There are a lot of people out there who just wait for others to start groups.

If you’re on a lower pop realm, you’ll just have to work harder.


I think your server is just going to have to become the unofficial leveling server for people who don’t want to buy boosts. That cancer never made it to you, and apparently you guys don’t have the strict “you have to stop doing BGs now so I can rank up next week” crowd…

How is Bloodsail? I"m thinking about starting fresh there to get away from all the boosting and the crowds. Specifically, do you know how it is on Horde side?

you can easily no-tank dungeons up to the 40s. maybe even afterward but i’m not sure how long its possible. having multiple classes with heals helps.

Your Voidwalker can tank well, especially with deeper Demo and Improved Voidy talents. He would need a lot of healer love sometimes and I mean A LOT.

Mage and Warlock should be fine to do a good portion of dungeons as a 2 man team, you won’t have much room for error though.

Personally, it’s all but impossible for me to get a dungeon group going. I imagine it wouldn’t be all that hard on a regular server though.

The biggest mistake is thinking you need a dedicated “tank” in leveling dungeons.

Vanilla took more of a D&D approach where you don’t necessarily need a fighter, but having a non-cloth melee and someone with some heals should be enough to make it through.

It isn’t until BRD or so that having someone in plate or a bear Druid goes a long way, but if a group is smart with their CC even then you can get away with out a real tank.

I’ve done mixes of shamans, rogues, and Hunter pets as the “tank” with good success in leveling dungeons.


Bloodsail horde side is on the low pop end but it’s not dead. On the other hand I’ve never seen a paid boost horde side. Not saying it never happens. It’s just rare enough that I haven’t seen it. I mainly focus on my horde alts. I usually group with my holy priest so I only need to find a tank. It’s medium, not too hard, not very easy. It’s a bit easier on the alli side. Higher population. There is one mage offering paid mara boosts alli side. There may be more but I’ve only seen that one.

Interesting thing. Someone started a thread on the BB forum. Advertise your level boosting services here. No one replied on the thread.

I’d like to see more people horde side. I’m a casual player so I’m not rich but I’ll help out new players in minor ways with some bags. Mail feywaif

Realistically, would I be soloing all the way to 60? I’d ideally like to at least do the quest in each dungeon as I level.