How exactly is the game at its worst? (a history review over expansions)

I agree with you, i never said that BFA was OMG THE BEST EXPANSION EVER, im just questioning what people usually complain, saying that the were have more fun in the past which doesnt make any sense cause all the things that they dont like, were present in the past somehow.

Content isn’t the primary issue of why the game is at its worst. Blizzard has never been this poor with how they interact with us. It’s clearly evident how little they care about the players now. Blizzard keeps cutting content and no one says anything to stop them, so they keep doing it.

Best example of how blizzard is cutting corners for their bottom line is funnily enough tier sets. In WoD tier sets were given a new model for doing the content on mythic mode. How exciting for everyone I had thought at the time. Jump to the second patch and instead of these new sets for mythic; we instead get the same models for PvP gear and pve gear. A net loss now that we do not recieve cool elite sets each season as elite gear is the same model as mythic, and lfr/normal/heroic gear is the same as normal pvp sets.

We then jump into Legion which continues the trend of a net loss in sets, while being acclaimed as an amazing expansion with tons of effort put into it. Then we get BFA which doesn’t have any tier sets on the premise of giving everyone new sets of gear in other content - despite the fact we don’t actually get more sets of gear now. Sure pve and pvp are no longer identical, but we no longer have a set of gear per class which is again a net loss.

Blizzard is not a company about the players; it’s a company about making money. I hate to see it when a gaming company throws the players aside to appease shareholders.


All Gear in WoW history, beside that you could buy by getting exalted reputation, were RNG based.


Good luck getting the specific effect you want, also in your specific tier of corruptions, oh and also gonna need multiple copies of that effect.

Good luck with RNG, keep playing and maybe your DPS wont be trash if you get lucky to get your infinite starts : )

And yet when GC interacted with people, he was “the worst”

I pick my stats through pvp. NP there.

I wish I could give more than 1 like.

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You don’t know what you have until it’s gone. I absolutely loved the dev watercoolers. A real damn shame Ion - a player of the game - doesn’t do more to interact with us. An elitest jerk indeed.


Woah this was literally the maximum shill defense of blizz i ve ever seen.

No point in interacting when you’re just greeted with hostility. I don’t blame them one bit.

Because big gaming companies(espcially the AAA ones) only care about profit. You don’t see gaming companies really invest or talk with their player base unless it’s small or indie company that hasn’t made it big yet. I mean look at the whole gamergate fiasco that happened. That was it’s own load of BS and now the US government(Burnie Sanders) wants to get involved with the gaming industry.

This is 100% true. The WoW community has been toxic since day one.


You act like they’re doing us a favour by communicating with us about a product we’re paying them for, it’s their obligation to communicate with customers rofl.

I didn’t like speaking with angry customers in some jobs yet I still had to do so, it’s part of the job.

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There is content and then there is fun content. There is characters/classes and then there is fun character/classes.

All you have pointed out is the most obvious attributes of the expansions. What you need to do is study things like how classes and character talents/build/abilities have degraded over time to the point where there is no RP at all in this MMORPG game. I am playing Classic, and putting aside the points you mention about Vanilla, let us consider classes. While they had their weaknesses, there was so much involvement in their creation. I play a hunter. I had to wait to level 10 to be able to tame a pet. I then had to train that pet up to learn how to be a useful partner out in the world. I had to earn my talents and abilities. Playing a hunter takes skill in Classic. Playing a hunter now…well, not so much. They are this homogenised, dumbed down, barely recognisable class. All the colour and diversity and immersion (yes, that word) has been taken out of the class.

And the choices you made for your talent builds and what your class could bring to a joint activity were important ones. It needed thought and planning and dedication.

And professions - one of the things that lured me into this game. Professions were important in Vanilla/Classic. Those pots and flasks and enchants were incredibly useful and not always easy to learn or find. Levelling proffs was hard but the results were great. Now - well, enough said really.

That…intensity…of gaming has been lost. They can throw all the shiny bling content at us but its empty stuff, ultimately. More mounts, more pets, more tacked-on gear systems, more…stuff. Less thats meaningful, less that stays with you in memory of being worthwhile.

It has all become rather souless. Until they can put the soul back (if they even can) it will continue to slide towards oblivion. And that is very sad. I love this game but I feel like I’m watching an old friend gradually fade away.

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No it’s not. They put out a product. You sub and play or you don’t. They take feedback but don’t actually have to communicate with millions of players.

I mean I remember the times of Tseric. The forums have always been a nightmare, but I appreciated the community managers who took their time to post on random crap threads. I honestly don’t even know who the community manager is now because i’ve never even seen them post anything. Is there even one? Just keeping the players in the know is a good way to boost morale. I certainly was more hopeful with the game when i’d see coffee bird posting about patch notes ect.

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There shouldn’t be any grinds tied to base character progression. Grinding for gear is much different then grinding AP and essences

I sell you a car, you can’t figure out how to start it because it has an irregular ignition.

You either keep the car or get rid of it, I don’t have to tell you anything, sucks to be you bro.

Literally your logic.

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There is. They do post but not actually engaging about the game. Think they learned the lesson from past cms who aren’t here anymore.

BFA has a design problem, not a content problem.

Pruned classes and specs designed with gaps that are filled with azerite and essences which involve doing a ton of busy work and RNG.