How exactly is the game at its worst? (a history review over expansions)

Umm bad analogy since you need the car irl for work and family. This is entertainment.

Their excuse was that we were too stupid apparently

Yep and those first issues they are addressing in SL

Irrelevant, you’re paying money for goods, when you supply a product you charge for you have certain responsibilities to adhere to, communicating with customers is one of them. You don’t get a pass because it isn’t an essential utility.

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Gosh I gotta stop posting in this thread, it’s making me depressed. :sweat_smile:

I do think there’s certainly a good argument to not communicate with the players - i mean i’m surprised they didn’t stop back during Tserics shaman forums fiasco - but I definitely would appreciate something more than what we have now. Oh well.

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take essences aside, you still will do your dailys and dungeons right? like you did it in the past, you will get exalted for a recipe or to get a purple ring, or running a dungeon for an specific peace of gear that you need and it could take several tries to get it. Tell me, how is that different from running a dungeon or farm reputation to get an specific feature of the game: an essence.

Btw, unless you are in a mythic guild that min max things, you dont need to farm AP, just do what you were doing in wow history, play the game, AP comes for free by just playing the game. Most people that complain about the “endless AP grind” dont even raid Heroic.

Big difference from “my car doesn’t start” to “I don’t enjoy your game”

From a pve point of view it really isn’t that bad, it’s probably decent. From a pvp point of view it’s absolutely the worst piece of monkey dodoo in the game’s history.

How many times we have to point out that Time gating is the main issue?

I agree with you, when they nerf, buff or even make changes on classes, they should explain why they do it.

Also, the BUS Shock thing was one of the most iconic things on the forums history.

The car does start, you just don’t know how because I never communicated that information to you.

After all by your own admission, people selling products have no obligation to communicate with customers.

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Take this person who equates this to “my car didn’t start, send help” why should devs respond to players like this? Unfortunate for those who want real communication though.

Before we had to grind for targetable gear. That was it.

Now we have to grind for randomized loot boxes that draw from such a large table as to be overwhelmingly useless, grind for neck level to use it, grind for essences that replace large holes in your spec design that you most likely used to have but got taken away, grind MORE for cloak level and very specific random corruption procs that at current values more than doubles your DPS…

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Oh typical Blizzard to make really lame excuses like that.

Except websites tell you what to do for both. But a car is much more important than a video game.

Hell yeah, watching someone lose their sanity is the best thing! Guy was right on the money for what he said, but it was probably not the best approach to take.

What? Why? MMOs rely on heavy community involvement, and if the community feels like they’re not taken seriously by the developer, they’re not going to be happy.

FFXIV has quite frequent communication and it shows. I don’t see a lot of, “nobody wanted this” and they fix problems in design before the expansion is done. Blizzard doubles down on them.


FFXIV is also not as popular. And devs do listen. They may not communicate but they make changes based on some feedback.

It’s not really about amount of content or number of systems.

In fact, a lot of people seem to actively dislike the complexity of current systems and want to go back to the fairly simplistic “level up, dungeon, raid, pvp with currency vendors for both PvP and PvE” design.

Legion and BfA have been -fantastic- in terms of sheer AMOUNT of content. That doesn’t mean people enjoy all of it.

As opposed to WoD, which had really strong dungeons and raids (and leveling, at least the first time), but not nearly ENOUGH endgame content.

I like how they take the most annoying things in Classic and just add more and more and more and more of it to every single expansion