How exactly is the game at its worst? (a history review over expansions)

Which one of these is timegated?


Also, mob grinding was actually viable. It was one of the better ways to make gold, it wasn’t a faceroll for the most part so you weren’t turning your brain off, the world was more active back then, and it was good for EXP (when you still needed it) and rep. It was incremental progression vs. the spiky one we have now, which is also near infinite.

I had fun grinding in Classic and I was sick to death of it in retail.


Where do I begin. BfA will always be known as the Worse Expansion outright through my eyes. It isn’t the amount of content, but how unrewarding and how bad the content feels. Yes, we had dailies since TBC. Yes, we had dungeons/raids since Vanilla. But you look at the complete differences now.

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I totally agree with you about forging, a feature that was introduced back in MoP (or cata?) is not exclusive of BFA.

throughout all Uldir and some parts of BfA, i never had the BIS trait, hell I was so upset for never getting Archive of the TItans during Uldir. Still i did it and stay relevant. Do you realize that most people that complain don’t raid mythic right? (or even raid).

But some do, and just because some dont, doesnt mean its not an issue

Dungeons, Raids, quests, Bgs,
attunements were gated by quests and reputation.

Sure, when most of the content is centered around that grind, whether you have to do it or not, then clearly the content is a problem.

Most of the stuff that BFA added are boring, the story is the worst it has ever been and the expac has been blatantly biased in favor of the Horde experience despite being sold as a faction expac.

Just Because there’s more to do doesn’t mean it’s good stuff to do, and just because it’s more of the same doesn’t mean it has the same quality as before.


Seems to me that you are getting bored about the game as a whole, which is understandable. At the end doing the same thing start getting boring, for some people is faster than others.

So, you just describe BFA having every bad part of the entire history of the game… and then ask why it’s bad? Every xpac has something that some players don’t like. BFA, as you point out, has everything that any player doesn’t like, all at once. Maybe this was a round about way of proving the opposite point.


Without saying that most of it is worse than the previous expansions

Huh??? That’s not really time gated.

I got to complete the attunement at my own pace. When we were doing our first few weeks of MC, I took it upon myself to go out and grind out the reputation so we could have a douse. The other option is to just go to the raid the first couple of weeks and get quick repuation off the mobs in the instance until you hit the required rank for douses.

Just so we’re clear on this…

Time - gating is preventing people from progressing by placing barriers in a game that require a certain amount of time to pass before the player can continue. EX: Rep that you can only gain through WQ’s and mission board quests that only happen a certain amount of times a day.

A better example of this is the Pathfinder. The goal with Pathfinder is to get flying. When you acquire Pathfinder Part 1, you’re done until Blizzard decides you can continue progressing towards flight. They are literally stopping you until a certain time period has passed and then they allow you to continue your progression.

Now to address this point as well. Is there a certain amount of time in Classic before I was able to get the douses in MC? Yep. But the main difference is that the time required was dictated by how I played the game with no wall telling me that I’m unable to continue.


No, you’re not understanding what is really wrong?

  • Island Expeditions: Yeah, thought it was something new, except, it is just a reskin of queued Scenarios, and guess what, you’re always doing the same thing over and over again. New map, same old story. Collect Azerite, you win.
  • World Quest: Guess what, we had that in Legion. But you know the complete difference between Legion WQ and BfA WQ? Legion WQ felt a little more better to do, where BfA WQ feels like a boring slog.
  • Raids: Honestly, I enjoyed Uldir. That was my favourite raid this expansion. But the other raids, they have been somewhat meh. Dunno, mainly because of the amount of RNG on top of the RNG that comes within the game now. Mind you, there is no unique class tier sets this expansion, which is a huge downside too.
  • PVP: A huge failure on a multiple of levels. First of all, what ever happened to PVP gear being better than PVE gear in PVP? On top of that, there is still no PVP Vendors for what ever dumb excuse to why there is none.
  • Warfronts: This would’ve been alright, except it is always a win. Something so easy to accomplish, considering you can AFK and just win.
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Tbh it’s not bad for people who have played BfA from the beginning, or even 6 months ago. Yes it’s not the most alt friendly/new player game but I think they are trying to get away from that really. Can’t appease the mains/alts scenario and they aren’t/haven’t really been taking in new players for quite a few years. Better to appease the long term players (aka the mains)

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Doubt it, else we would have

Essence vendor or account bound essences
Corrupted gear vendor

Its 15 year old game , like no matter how good the expansions are (BFA is bad) its just regurgitated systems (legion was decent cause it was actually different)

People are over it , and thats all right WoW has be a huge success it has to dwindle down at some point and it has for years.

Thats not saying BFA is good expansion cause its not , class design is the worst i have seen. I quit due to warlock being the most un fun version ever period.

Legion world quests only worked due to leggos. BFA not even worth the effort.

Islands that are basically scenarios from Mop, that people only did for fast valor.

Raiding is meh same old same old.

M+ dungeons designed with M+ in mind is silly , what made them fun in Legion was the sheer stupid stuff you could do in them, plus CM’s were way better imo.

Its a bad expansion the worst they have done imo.

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No need for an essence vendor for a main who has been playing all expansion. Maybe you misread me. I meant they are trying to get away from being alt friendly.

… this just released 5 days ago.

Reads numerous threads that explain.

Creates new thread to demand someone explain.

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Yeah and they are completely RNG based and also can give you up to 20k dps which is a ridiculous amount making them a must.

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And come Tuesday every content is going to drop this gear. Just play and you’ll be fine.

People are just taking this game little to seriously or have completely unrealistic expectations. That’s why I love coming on the forums and poking them with a stick. You fix the problems these people are complaining about and I will bet any amount of real money you’ll get another group of people coming in complaining about it. It’s an endless cycle and has been that way since day one.

Though I do find it an interesting topic because I really do believe some of the complaints are legit, but also feel as if people are letting their own feelings get involved. Then again I can’t get emotionally invested in a game. If this account was perma banned, well I’d just make a new one, but that’s just me.