I’ve never seen a clear explanation in any thread so I’m asking and hoping I can’t get some actual answers:
Can I use voice chat for pug BGs/Dungeons/LFR?
Is voice chat only for Bnet friends?
Is there a tab I just don’t see that shows voice chat function like in overwatch? (if not there really should be)
Is there a sound icon that shows I’m talking (like in overwatch) cause while my mic test shows I’m making noise, I have no verification if others can hear me?
Can only dungeon leader/raid leader enable voice chat? (it’s often grayed out for me when I right click my portrait)
I really want to use this feature to make pugs more coordinated but it doesn’t seem well integrated and I suggest blizzard make it more like overwatch where people can opt out rather than opt in because I have no idea how to opt in at this point and can’t seem to find an explanation anywhere.
I don’t know that anyone actually does use the in-game chat. It was kind of a “too little, too late” addition to the game on Blizzard’s part, as 3rd party VOIP programs like Ventrilo, Mumble, and Discord have already been in use by players for about as long as the game has existed.
If you’re looking to coordinate pugs through voice, it is very easy to make your own private Discord channel (as Elenaltarien said, the majority of players are using this service already). It’s completely free, and you can customize what permissions any given person has while in your channel. You can even kick people out of your channel afterwards if you want.
VThird party chats like dis cord are generally preferred by raid teams.
If your PC crashes or disconnects, you can explain to the group through discord that you are coming back online however the ingame chat would have crashed with the game.