How does one report an exploiter, when one does not have the means to do so?

apologies if this isn’t in the right place or not…

but on a flight back to Stormwind, i saw a player on a ledge in between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes…a spot that’s pretty much impossible to get to, without an exploit.

sadly, one cannot report said player if they don’t respond in chat, and you fly by too quickly to get a screenshot, before they “phase” out of view. ._.

Send a email with detaily time date to is this on classic or retail make sure to mention that.


ahh, they do have an email for this. i’ve seen it mentioned a few times, but never paid a whole lot of attention to it.

i’ll keep it in mind, and watch for names the next time i fly past there.

oh its Classic. you can’t fly in Classic, save for taking flights from point a to point B, hence why some people use “exploits” to get to areas, they’re not normally able to. (I.E. Mount Hyjal, small campsites outside zone boundaries, etc.)

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Its all about the details since you didnt mention it.

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Just a side comment on this. Back when WOW Classic was newly released and layering a big thing, our router was getting flaky to the point of any new zone loading in WOW potentially hiccuping and not loading. I could start to leave a capital city, and no players or mobs would load, no chat would load, and after a few seconds I’d suddenly be jumped back in space and time to where the loading usually starts. If I was flying, that jerk back didn’t leave me on the mount.

Sometimes that killed me, but others times that dropped me places that are ‘impossible’ to get to. One time I was up in the tippy top of the mountain range between Barrens and Mulgore, for example, exploring a totally empty and pointless cave. Another time I landed in the long pass on the way to Desolace that has ruins and nothing else.

(Of course, the right answer remains reporting if something seems off. Blizzard has the back-side data.)