Lorewise, Rastakhan ended up being hated because he ignored things going on in Vol’dun and Nazmir, and wouldn’t listen to good council and only listened to Zul who betrayed him, leading to his first death.
She did nothing but cost us the Warchief position and lost the war. It was also her actions that lead to Zuldazar being invaded and the King being killed the second time. She’s all losses.
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He ruled for over 200 years. That is a record. Thanks to him we came close to troll unity all across Azeroth. If the large tribes weren’t scattered due the Horde we might had a flying chance to restore the real troll empire.
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That doesn’t mean there wasn’t opposition to him because he kept ignoring obvious problems. The campaign drives home the fact that he’s stuck in the old ways and refuses to acknowledge there are problems that need handled.
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Rastakhan had no intention of Troll Unity. His ancestors were closer to that than he ever would have been.
For someone who cant post without WoWhead in another tab you sure got that bit EXTREMELY wrong. lmao
“We’re not really bad, we’re just drawn that way”.
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Don’t mind him. He is a typical delusional alliance player.
This is not what I said.
I said if the Alliance was not stupid and incompetent than they would genocide the entire Horde in 15 seconds. It wouldnt be a fight.
This isnt about the Horde “feeling sad”. If the Alliance wasnt written incompetent…then the Horde would not exist. Jaina could solo the Horde, as she almost has in the past.
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The pot shouldn’t be tut-tuting the kettle.
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none of them are good. Well, maybe jaina was up to MoP, but since BFA she’s been absolutely trash.
Bc ally is the real faction.
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How is Rezan even close to being as cool as Vol’jin?? Like, I love Rezan, but cooler than Vol’jin???
What exactly did Vol’jin do to deserve respect? He was mad Warchief and died 5 minutes later. Sorry but I don’t see that list of accomplishments here.
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I think some would argue the Horde had the best stories until a while ago.
Cataclysm is a good example. A lot of Alliance quests are silly.
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Its been a great ride seeing all of your leaders go mad, betray the Horde, get sulky, die, etc.
And Legion was that for the alliance. Infact I dare to say it was even better than Cataclysm because no single alliance leader went evil during it unlike Garrosh after MoP. Alliance players are unaware of the priviliges they have compared to the total dumbness that is the story for the Horde.
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Since typing out just how cool Vol’jin is would take a bit and be a bit long, I’ll direct you to a handy guide!
To sum up though:
He became a Shadow Hunter at a very young age.
He liberated the Echo Isles from Zalazane.
He helped take back undercity.
Stayed Loyal to the Horde instead of joining with the Zandalari empire and joined up with both the Horde and Alliance to stop the new Troll Empire.
Stood up against Garrosh for mistreating the trolls of the Horde.
Helped the tauren take Northwatch Hold from the Alliance and Helped lead the Attack on Theramore.
Survived Garrosh’s assassination attempts.
He helped take down Garrosh.
He was favoured by the loa.
These are only some of the things Vol’jin has done, summed up.
He didn’t just become Warchief because, he earned it. He only died so early because Blizz hates t see a troll winning and they wanted Sylvanas as Warchief.
He may not be as accomplished as some other WoW leaders but he was a good leader to the Darkspear, a good friend of the other Horde leaders, and you know if he lived he would’ve been a dang good warchief.
Rezan is cool too, but pretty much all he did was:
Help heal Rastakan who died in the same expansion anyway.
Kill some troll cultists.
Get killed by some troll cultists after walking right into a trap.
Be a dungeon boss.
That’s pretty much it.
Rezan was cool but Vol’jin has been a pretty major character since before World Of Warcraft, Rezan you’d only really know if you played Horde side BFA.
He was irrelevant in WoD and died fast in Legion. Despite his novel Blizzard was eager to cut him out fast as parity for Varian. His story was over and there was no need to bring him back. The Zandalari need Rezan and not some backwater tribe leader who rejected them when it mattered. Troll kind might be close to extinction because he helped raze Zul’Aman and Zul’Gurub back in Cataclysm.
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You missed the part where all of that is better than, “Me Orc! Me smash you! Me conquer everything!”
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