A ‘great king’ doesn’t need the help of some adventurer to sniff out a rat in his court. A ‘great king’ doesn’t let an army of cannibal brutes mass on his border.
This ‘great king’ was ready to throw the Horde out of Dazar’alor despite Kul Tiras getting chummy with the Alliance. He repeatedly demonstrated a blindness to obvious threats, an incapability of assessing and repelling those threats, and ultimately paid for those flaws with his life. Admittedly, Sylvanas probably sandbagged him to get the Kul Tiran navy to follow her into her trap, but that’s Sylvanas being a crappy Warchief and leaving yet another Horde leader to die.
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The anti Sylvanas propaganda did wonders. Easy minded people eat it up. But not me. The problem of Bfa was alliance bias. Start to finish. It can only be fixed if the alliance gets a huge loss on par with Zandalar. That would only be fair.
A change of leader is ‘a huge loss’ now? All that happened in Dazar’alor is that there was a change in management. My guy, Stormwind had a leadership change since Anduin is MIA. Meanwhile Alliance is still down three racial captials (Teldrassil, Gilneas, and Gnomeregan) and three of its core races are now squatting in the other two capitals (Gnomes in Ironforge, and Night Elves/Worgen in Stormwind). Sure, the Forsaken need to live in Org for a bit, but the Echo Isles, Mulgore, and Silvermoon are still all present and accounted for.
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I rather lose places than leaders. Nobody will miss Thunderbluff or Orgrimmar. Rastakhan and Rezan were the biggest losses of Bfa. Nothing can compare.
Naw, you right, some no-name troll we hadn’t heard of outside of quest text or BFA promos is on par with Varian Wrynn. Or Cairne Bloodhoof.
Cairne’s not even Alliance and I’m including him in the body count because he was a victim of the ‘Old Horde’ stupidity Garrosh and later Sylvanas tried to bring back.
Varian got the most epic ending anyone could hope for. Cairne died offscreen in a novel nobody read. Sure compare those. It makes you look stupid.
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Getting disenchanted by mobs we kill for quest greens is the ‘most epic ending anyone could hope for’? The High King of the Alliance didn’t even get the good CGI for that cutscene, that budget went to Saurfang v Sylvanas.
If getting turned to green dust is the best an NPC can hope for, then Rastakhan got the best send-off possible in WoW; he had a whole raid dedicated to deposing him!
Rastakhan was a terrible leader. As a Horde player, I had no idea who he was other than ‘that idiot king’ because he kept doing stupid things and his underlings had to keep sending me to either fix it or deal with the fallout. Honestly? I’m glad he’s six feet shorter, less cleanup on my end.
He killed a massive felreaver and cut down many fel guards on his way to the main villan and then gets overwhelmed. Than gets a massive monument in the middle of Stormwind. Cairne got nothing other than a lame funreal pyre. Literally the most insulting death right after Vol’jin.
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I’ve taken down a Fel Reaver and depleted the entire population of Hellfire Pennisula for fun, just to see if I could. He could have at least gotten killed by someone with a proper name or setup or something.
Again, all this is to say that Rastakhan got a better send-off than most others, and he also very, very much had it coming. He was an ineffective leader, blind to danger, and hostile toward his allies. Getting assassinated was the best thing that could have happened with him.
Of course he was hostile to his allies. The Horde had done nothing to prove themselves. For all he was concerned they were just thieves out to get his fleet for a war he had no part in. And the Horde failed spectaculary to protect him against an alliance assault that only went on because the Hordies painted a red target on his back. The Horde is fully to blame for everything bad happening to the kingdom and Zandalar has every right to demand reparations from them for the damage their stupidity had caused.
The Horde didn’t let G’huun linger under a pyramid for goodness knows how long. The Horde didn’t let a massive army of cultists build on the border of the Empire. The Horde brought baggage, to be sure, but there was already several critical problems Rastakhan was unable to deal with himself and too proud to ask for assistance with, so he got destroyed by them.
I mean, I could also blame Sylvanas for the lack of defense for Rastakhan, she has a tendency to teamkill.
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Sylvanas is not to blame. Talanji and the Horde falling for an obvious trap are.
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I mean, I’m glad we agree that Sylvanas being instituted as Warchief was, indeed, a trap. I dunno how obvious it was though, it fooled even Vol’jin.
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Horde and Alliance both had the same amount of story in Legion.
You’re confusing the Army of the Light and The Violet Citadel as members of the alliance because they’re mostly comprised of humans / human friendly high elves, and the Light-forged. When in reality, they are both neutral factions. They don’t care about blue and red lol
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Kirin Tor and the army of the light are both alliance. Just check wowpedia.
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If Anduin personally walks into the Violet Citadel they will not bother giving him the time of day, and you know it.
The Army of the Light is in outer space dealing with the remnants of the Legion. The ones we play as are trainee adventurers because they don’t need so much power anymore.
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Always good to have sources to expose the lies.
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I don’t need the WoWpedia to make a Light-Forged Draenei.
Making yourself a glorified echo chamber is the reason why your thread is losing attention, my brother in christ.
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The lore supports what I say. the alliance got a massive military boost with all the nations of allied races that joined them in Bfa. Together with a bunch of shining cities attached to it. Compared to the Mag’har and Vulpera the alliance became a global super power.
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What shining cities? The horde literally owns more used territory in Azeroth. The horde has more cities. Factually. They have more. The alliance got multiple alliance-races that were very small in number too just like the Mag’har and Vulpera.
Next thing you’ll tell me, these details are just recently editted to be wrong on WoWhead lmao
Oh and the moon is made out of cheese. Wowhead said so!
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