How does Ignore work?

I am asking here, hope its ok to do so because I would like a correct response rather than one from players who may misunderstand the system.

If I understand the Ignore function correctly, how it works is that if I - for example - type in a player name and server using the ingame Ignore option, then that character and all characters owned by that player become Ignored by the character that does the Ignore.

My questions are:

  1. Does the Ignore function operate across factions? So if I play with a character on Horde that I want to Ignore, if I then go onto an Alliance character and type in that same Horde character, will it have the same effect as if I’d put in an Alliance character?

  2. What are the situations where the Ignore works? I recognise it blocks communication, but does it block all dungeons runs, all raid runs, all LFR, all premades, etc? That is, is it still possible to have that character with me in any game content?

  3. Is there any way at all (apart from some form of add on) to block that player’s characters across my entire account? If not, is there any consideration being given to institute that option? I ask as I find it very tedious to have to do it on all the alts manually. If I wish to put a player on Ignore, I want the player ignored, not the characters.

As I say, if this is the wrong forum I’ll accept that but I find that lately bad behaviour is becoming a bit more common and my Ignore list is growing.


  1. I don’t think so. You really can’t communicate cross faction.
  2. Yes, it blocks dungeon runs and LFR runs. It doesn’t block premades.
  3. Not at this time. When you ignore, you won’t see what he and his alts says, or be able to queue up for random dungeons and raids.

If your ignore list is getting full, perhaps you need to go through and purge some of it. Adding spammers to ignore doesn’t help, you need to right click and report for spamming or language.


Ignores are character specific. So if you ignore someone on one character, you have to also add them to your ignore on any other characters. Not sure if it works cross faction or not, but if someone messages you, you can simply right-click and ignore them.

It should indeed stop you from ending up in random dungeons with the other player. Not in pre-mades though. And yes, that player can still exist in-game and could end up on your server too. But since you’ve got them on ignore, it shouldn’t really be an issue.

Not really no. As for if it’s being considered, that would be more of a development question. You’re welcome to suggest it via the in-game suggestion feature too.


It should, yes.

It should block communication and the LFR/LFD systems will avoid grouping you with anyone you have ignored. That does not work for group finder since that is just a tool to help you find a group, not something put together by our system.

They will still be in the world, you may not be able to see their chat or otherwise interact with them, but they don’t disappear from the same areas you can go to.

No, and likely I’m afraid Customer Support isn’t privy to what design considerations may be discussed. Since an option is in place that does the same thing, though requires you to manually ignore the character on other characters you wish to also ignore them on.

If you’d like to see it function differently I’d recommend using the Submit a Suggestion option located in the help menu so our Devs can see it.


Thanks for your timely response :upside_down_face: I have suggested it (more than a few times probably) and have been wanting it a long time. I guess I hope that with more account-wide options, it will eventually happen.



This hasn’t been the case for a while, btw. Ignoring one character makes it account wide.

Only on the character you ignored them on. What Perl is saying is that they have to go on each of their characters for that character to have the account on ignore.


Yeah, I knew I got a little ‘wordy’ in that reply and thought it might read differently than it sounded in my head too :wink:

But yeah, what I meant was that if I ignore someone on Perl, my alts still have to add them to ignore too. That’s still how it works right? I honestly don’t have anyone on ignore currently!

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I was confused about this too, but if you ignore a character, then the whole account tied to that character is ignored, but only for the character you did the ignoring from.

It is kinda weird, you can block their account for just one character, but not for your whole account. So it’s definitely a valid suggestion to make I think, as OP did do.

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