How does ESO feel?

Not a “WoW dead” thread, just wanting to try something new. I have tried FFIV multiple times but didn’t really get hooked. How does ESO feel to play? Mostly worried about combat, since that usually makes or breaks a game for me.


ESO’s combat is clunkier than ffIV.


It’s a very clunky game but if you want to play an Elder Scrolls game that has the occasional group content then it is fine


You’ll quickly realize there’s no difference between a Stamina/Magicka/Health only builds.


Like an Elder Scrolls game with a bunch of other people mucking up the experience.


ESOs combat isn’t really comparable to WoW of FF14 because it is designed as an “action” MMO

And while I really enjoy ESO, it’s the primary MMO that I’m playing right now…Combat is probably the worst part of the game.

The biggest problem is the expectation of light weaving. This requires you to do a mouse attack to fill the remaining GCD
time between every skill used.

Past that, Combat is a little clunky for a lot of players because most of it relies on maintaining short duration DOTs and buffs while using spammable abilities and light attacks in between.



I really wish that Wildstar had been, y’know, not a bad game, because it was probably the only other MMO that has come out that has had a good combat system (mostly because it largely copied WoW).


If I could copy something from ESO and over to wow it would be the crafting system. It is, incredible.


Other than the research time gate…I agree. It easily takes 6 months of real world time to research all traits unless you pay real money.

But overall housing, crafting, voice acted quests, and content scaling are all top notch.

Not to mention the outstanding horizontal progression system.


I couldn’t agree more. The funny thing is people assume that wow progression is a straight line, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it’s more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly… time-y wimey… stuff.


It is with great regret that I can only like this post once.

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It feels great however that being said, it is NOT for everyone. If you prefer having tons of skills, you’ll have to adapt. You can have 2 different weapons equipped both with 5 skills+1 ultimate charged skill for a total of 10 skills+2 ultimates. The gameplay is great for me, because I loved skyrim and instantly adapted to ESO’s style of combat. The best way to go about getting into ESO is “blank sleight” instead of looking for a wow 2.0. Its not trying to topple or be better then wow…its doing its own thing

Questing and storywise…x10000 better then wow atm. Their stories are interesting and some quests have different outcomes based on your decisions.

best advice I can give is try it yourself and see how you feel about it. Everyone has a different experience so you can’t take someone’s “it sucks, its slow and awful” because their experience might not be yours.

False and cannot be compared. You just hate FFXIV for some reason. ESO does not have a GCD while FFXIV has a 2.5 sec GCD and WoW has a 1.5 GCD. And like someone said, FFXIV is a MMORPG, while ESO is more of a MMOARPG(action role playing game). ESO’s combat is more action oriented with the addition of rolling and blocking and controlled basic attacking.

@OP ESO also has left and right click attacks on-demand, not “auto attacks” by default(tho you still default auto attack if you want), on top of skills you get. And you can roll to dodge/block too. It’s a completely different game from FFXIV and WoW.


Played the beta, idk how much has changed since then but the combat specifically turned me off. I’m sure people like it, but I really dislike being a jack of all trades kind of thing. I prefer having classes that are set in stone.


I love Cyrodiil, player housing, public dungeons and fast travel.

Not like the 24 hour mount speed purchase per toon.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

ESO is 20 times better than FFXIV. I play it as well as WoW.


Feels like the ES series, but as others have pointed out, combat is somewhat lacking.
Players are a LOT less obnoxious from my experience. Crafting is far better. Mogging is different, but works really well.
I love the public dungeons and delves. You just run in without a queue, like Legion invasion points.

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I don’t like Final Fantasy because the classes are weapon restricted. I mean, there’s only one class that can dual wield anything and that’s the Ninja. No thanks, Ill pass.

And then, on the other side of the spectrum, is ESO; where you can pick any weapon you want, however the abilities attached to them are so basic and uninteresting that they have to be in order for any semblance of balance to work.

Both ESO and FF have unique issues that prevent me from enjoying either of them.


Crafting- great
Combat-feels like you never hit anything, it’s so floaty
mounts-meh, they’re p2w
shop-very scummy, newest and coolest skins are from loot boxes, loot boxes are pretty expensive.
story-it’s elder scrolls, the story is pretty good
economy-who tf came up with this crap? You have to be in a guild that you will likely have to pay tax to if you want any chance of being in a good spot to sell your goods.

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succinct and well stated. Agree 100%

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I don’t like ESO combat. It has a similar issue to Guild Wars where if you want to be ‘optimal’ you will be using two weapons that are often not fun or interesting and having to swap between them frequently to maintain buffs or debuffs or ground-based AoEs (the worst of all maintenance abilities) and the keyboard click+mousebutton click for every single ability is a surefire way for carpal tunnel.

I think the only time I had fun in ESO combat was when I just activated werewolf mode and was mashing buttons and being a tanky DPS for a while but unless you do tons of research and content that the game never really directs you to, you will be inferior in the damage standpoint to where it is night and day between just playing and being optimal – it’s like comparing fresh 60s to mythic raider level DPS in WoW.

But my stance is WoW has been more enjoyable than Guild Wars/ESO for me, though of the big five, I’d put FF14 and Runescape above WoW in its current state. Balance-wise, ESO promotes an illusion of choice but it is painstakingly obvious if you make the wrong ones, you might be able to get away with a suboptimal race but if you aren’t using the right weapons or skills, you’ll feel it when partied when anyone who is.

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