Personally I find everything about ESO superior to WoW. Especially the combat. I can’t stand tab targeting. It’s an antiquated system that should die already.
I’d say spend the 20 or w/e the base game costs now and try it yourself. Some people say it’s clunky but I don’t find it clunky. It’s spammy but I’d rather not be artificially limited by some arbitrary ability cd.
But if you want to craft anything, or have “free” access the the DLC (not expansions. different animal in ESO world), you will need the sub. It will make your life easier.
Drawback is if you are looking for fancy transmogs, be prepared to spend money.
I do fine on ESO with maxxed out bag and bank space and collect a lot of crafting stuff on a subless account. But yeah, if you want to craft you’re gonna need max bag space or the sub. Max bag space can eventually be earned in game or you can buy it in the cash shop.
Yeah, that’s why I would be down with a WoW 2. An updated combat system, more in line with GW2 with the action cam, ESO, BDO, etc, would be welcomed by me. An updated engine with the same art style would be nice, too. It is quite obvious the current team doesn’t share the same dream as the original. Making a sequel to begin my own project seems like something I would want to do anyway. Make my own mark, and not try to make someone else’s mine.
I said this in a dif thread but there’s nothing in the eso combat that makes you go “woah”
You only have a handful abilities and several of them will be 10-20s buffs. So you spend 5s buffing yourself before every combat engagement.
It’s still a very fun game. Crafting is amazing. The quest dialogues all start very slow and by the end of the chain you’re kinda hating yourself for not reading the story behind what your quests about because the stories are all mostly pretty good. WoW gets you in a go go go atmosphere and the lore sucks right now so you’ll be in a habit of quick clicking through the dialogue. My advice is to try to take it in and not play eso like you play wow.
I’ve played most of the stamina builds and stamina sorcerer is the most enjoyable imo. Second would be a stamina templar.
Combat is clunkier compared to WoW . I just started playing it myself just as something to do and also it is on sale until the 2nd of Feb right now for 70 % off ($5.99 for base edition and $19.79 for the Blackwood collection that includes all xpacs so far ).
Now I am having fun questing and may use it as a WoW content lull filler but for actual combat WoW is better .
Another problem with ESO coming from WoW is after using a mouse for forward movement you kind of go auto pilot and press the mouse buttons . Doing that in ESO puts bounties on your head .
ESO is a great game, I will say it’s VERY overwhelming when you first start. If you have a friend that has played the game, please play with him/her to get you started. If you are going in solo not knowing anything, you will be like WTF this is too much.
That being said, it is a really solid game that I would recommend anyone playing. It has a thriving community, they are not as nice as FF players but much nicer than WoW players on average. The lore in the game is fantastic, the professions, the world, the dungeons are all amazing. The combat is fantastic, i’m just going to come out and say it now, it’s not as good as WoW’s combat but it’s very enjoyable none the less.
The only thing that kind of sucks about it is the armor looks terrible in the game. Like if you are into transmog, goodluck. They went for a more realistic armor looking theme, but it just looks bad imo at least, as a lot of others will agree.
But definitely give it a go, again try to find someone that can explain it for you, or you WILL be lost and it won’t feel so good.
“You know what I tell my friends when they ask what it’s like to own a boat? I say, stand under a cold shower and tear up $100 bills!”
Seriously though, it feels like a single player game you share with other players. The Combat is simple but intuitive, just a few steps above Skyrim in complexity. I’ll do a simple text line to gauge it for you:
I agree that the armor in the game is more realistic and is overall simplistic in design…
But I’ve been wanting more realistic armor in WoW for ages, so I really enjoy the ESO armor sets.
Also, there are over 100 different “mog” styles in the game with unique appearances for the 3 different armor types plus numerous special sets…there is more than enough to satisfy mog collectors
(Edit: I forgot to mention that there are also costumes that acts like a mog, but you put on the entire outfit instead of individual pieces.)
(Second edit: Also forgot to mention that your mogs are not gear restricted. So you can freely change between heavy, medium, and light appearances)
I have to disagree a bit here. I crafted a couple of sets of legendary gear for my sorceror without having a sub, that is one of the best things I like about the game, you can craft very powerful gear (even if it still considered pre-“raid” gear) But I do agree that a sub makes Crafting Life much easier, especially if you want to do more than one profession.
I have no issues with FF14, but I hated the combat style in ESO. The similarity between ESO combat and New World was a giant negative for that game also.
I agree, the combat is not the best, but it’s not hard to adapt to. The thing that bugged me was the limited bag space when there are Trillions of things that you can pick up, and, at first, you aren’t sure what is useful or not.