if your a OP degen shammy move on to a dif post, you have tank / heals / dps, there is no reason to give earthbind totem root. And they cry and nerf pally bubble. The shaman tism is real
Imagine coming to the forum to whine about a root that breaks .001 second after you cast it in group pvp from a class that can remove it at will.
How? by not doing anything.
i believe the question you are asking is “why”
We actually need mass dispell and shattering throw, since we are dealing with retail abilities also
We actually need a 5 sec CD on purge. spamming an ability with no repercussion is bad gameplay no matter how you spin it.
Cooldown on cleanse also or nah that’s all good?
sure. dispel magic and viper sting as well
You can trust the kid who plays a broken class, to dictate his own customisations. He surely knows better than the era dev and retail dev
Pretty sure cleanse / dispell are spammable as well
gotta read babe
Apparently Blizzard favors Horde and Shamans by a longshot, so it is only natural to listen to their complaining horde players and implement anything that favors them alone.
But forreal, it’s kinda insane how people believe shamans require skill and effort when their rotation is FS-LB-FS with a Riptide/SR ontop.
Meanwhile pally uses 10-15 different abilities.
Shaman only cast FS and fish for PS procs because that is literally the only way you can play the class. You are not getting off lightning spells in PvP unless you are playing against absolute muppets
And trust me running around waiting for PS procs is boring as hell.
But those are not attached to brain rotted shamans.
AFK in AB and post in forums instead. I ve heard it’s more honor. From your alt nonetheless, so noone can check what a loser you are
you can get CL off. too bad it’s a 1.5s cast.
Lmao even
Nubs play shamans cause they are op and ez to play
The Chad Shaman vs the Virgin Paladin archetype still going strong after all these years
They are not considered the “Village idiot” class bud.
I used to main a dps enhance shaman, and then they nerfed it to oblivion. Where’s the supposed love at for those shamans? We’re clearly the red headed stepchildren of the specs.