How does Aimed Shot work in Classic?

Hey guys, back in Vanilla I basically never put points into MM as I was pretty bad, but as I prepare for Classic I’m looking to pick up this talent. I’m thinking of going Survival with some points in MM, so as I read the tool tip for Aimed Shot I’m wondering: Does this ability even do damage? Is this more of a shot that buffs you’re other abilities but on its own it doesn’t do much?

Any help would be appreciated.

It’s a 3 second hard cast.

At various points in classic it was strong enough to one shot other players in pvp.

Survival is pretty trash btw. I don’t know what the pserver crowd has to say about it, but back in the day I remember hearing once you got in naxx you had enough agility to make lightning reflexes worth going into survival for it, but that was it.

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Aimed Shot does a massive amount of damage (Compared to your other spells) and has a big cast time. (3 seconds)

Basically to DPS you weave in aimed shots and multi-shots (This has a cast time of .5 seconds) between auto attacks with the assistance of an attack timer addon.

Also survival kinda sucks unless you are extremely endgame or struggling with hit chance.


If memory serves it was one of the most powerful shots you had as a hunter. Just about every hunter spec went down to grab it if I remember correctly


Aimed shot is a Hunters Pyroblast.
Big cast. Big damage.

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Aimed shot was a major pvp move; even times when you couldnt get 1 shots it was immaculately useful; You can scare the Caps out of flag carriers by chunking their HP if youre a NE hunter and meld (Casting didnt break meld back then untill the cast went off my dad was knight captain at 49 and used to ABUSE carriers w aimed shot) Then you apply a little poison and boom the guys screaming for heals.

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Depends on what you are doing to play. When leveling you might be solo (beast master and don’t use Aimed Shot because you will pull off your pet) or you might be grouping (BM or MM) and then you can use Aimed shot because a real tank generates better agro than your BM pet. You can still pull off them so you have to be cognizant of threat generation.


i also remember in BC using aimed shot+MD to generate MASSIVE threat for the tank on first pull. Its a nieche ability basically made to fill in for missing dps

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Great answers guys. Thanks alot!!!

You aim then you shoot


Yeah, misdirect pulling was a nice tool for raid leaders. We used it in a lot of circumstances.

My hunter was an alt so he didn’t get as much playtime in Vanilla but I was usually solo and so BM was the way to go… Enemies over there beating on the pet while I chipped in DPS and healing to keep him alive. Very effective. Aimed shot was an afterthough or a kill-shot though because it was too easy to pull right off the pet unless you landed it right before a growl.

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That’s pretty much how survival worked for me. After I was full tier 2+ with all agi enchants, I specced into the agi boost. It actually worked out quite well. Before that, it was mm from MC-AQ.

Note, I did this because I was the primary puller and kiter.

Send the pet in first and it won’t have any trouble holding aggro, especially not in BM. Same as with any tank.

I found that was very gear dependent. If I was under-geared or gearing myself I rarely pulled off my pet. If I had just gotten a new, level-appropriate bow or had twinked my hunter (who was an alt) I had to be careful (i.e. if I went with a full DPS rotation I usually pulled as the Aimed Shot landed).

I wish that was still the case, would be sick.

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I mained hunter in classic , I always level Beast mastery then switched to marksman / some points in beast mastery at 60.

I think I used to turn the pet’s attack off as well to make sure they could use growl as often as possible. Probably depends on the type of pet too and their skills. It’s been a while but it’ll be fun to experiment again.

It has a 10 sec. cooldown. It adds 600 damage to your normalized weapon damage (attack power calculated at 2.8 speed) and only delays your next auto shot instead of resetting the attack timer. Ya, it’s pretty awesome especially since you get the 41 yrd range with it. Combine it with a multi-shot and you get 3 strong attacks in a short burst window. Get the Zul’Gurub trinket for the cooldown removal for another quick round of burst.

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Aimed shot was hunters hardest hitting ability, you stood in place and fired after cast time.
Very useful against players it was, you know the whole frost trap flight path aim shot snipe them.

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Are you Yoda?