How do you turn off growl?

I have been able to find the pet "Growl" icon buried in the Pet abilities tab. I don't understand why it isn't on the pet action bar by default anymore. As before, the Growl icon, when enabled, has a slow moving selection animation when enabled. I see this animation on my pet tab.

I left-click on the icon. Nothing happens. Growl still enabled.
I right-click on the icon. Nothing happens. Still enabled
I shift-left-click on the icon. The icon moves as if dragged. Still enabled.
I shift-right click too. Still enabled.
I control-right click. Still enabled. Control-left-click.... still enabled.
I drag the growl icon to an empty action bar. It disappears.
I drag the icon to an empty pet action bar... it disappears.
I drag the icon to a populated pet action bar... the previous ability re-appears.

Growl still enabled.

How can I stop the whispers such as this: "You ^#%$in' Hunt%#^! Turn off GROWL!!!!"? I have received several during dungeons while I level.

What is the obvious that I am missing? Growl is now permanent? Is this problem unique to the Mac client?
You can't be mounted while attempting to mess with your pet. It sounds like you're mounted.
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Thanks I think that must have been it!
No, I have the same problem. I'm not mounted or anything. All the pet's abilities are there EXCEPT Growl. It's just a big empty slot. :/
Open your spell book, go to the pet tab, then turn it off by clicking it there. This really threw me off for a when I returned to the class.
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this is also happens for me, no mounted, not in spellbook not on pet bar. nowhere to be found it is in spellbook but i cannot disable it :/ help
You can also do this via macros. You can add the following to your attacks or pet attack buttons to help manage it.
/petautocastoff Growl

For example here is my default attack hotkey:
- Player attack and pet attack the target
- If control is held, pet sent to attack the mouseover target
- Growl is turned off if in a Group/Raid, turned on if soloing.

#showtooltip Auto Attack
/startattack [nomodifier]
/petattack [nomodifier]
/petattack [@mouseover,harm,modifier:ctrl][harm,modifier:ctrl]
/petautocastoff Growl
/stopmacro [group][raid]
/petautocaston Growl
Thanks for this

Not that obvious, the button just doesn't work when you try and give's no indication that its due to being mounted
/petautocastX can accept conditionals;

#showtooltip Kill Command
/use 13
/use 14
/cast [@focus,help,nodead][@pet,pet,nodead,nogroup][]Misdirection
/petautocastoff [group] Growl
/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl
/cast Kill Command

I also found using "/cast !Auto Shot" more reliable than "/startattack". The exclamation point prevents Auto Shot from toggling off.

#showtooltip Cobra Shot
/cast !Auto Shot
/use 13
/use 14
/cast Cobra Shot
#showtooltip [spec:1]Kill Command;[spec:2]Arcane Shot;[spec:3]Flanking Strike
/targetenemy [dead][noexists]
/assist [noharm]Pet
/petdefensive [nocombat]
/petassist [combat]
/petattack [combat,target=exists]
/petautocaston [@raid9,noexists] [@party4,noexists] growl
/petautocastoff [@raid9,exists] [@party4,exists] growl
/cast [@pet,dead,exists] Heart of the Phoenix
/castsequence [nopet,spec:3] reset=3 Call Pet 1, Revive Pet
/castsequence [nopet,spec:1] reset=3 Call Pet 5, Revive Pet
/cast [target=pet,dead,exists,nospec:2]Revive Pet; [@mouseover,harm,nodead,spec:1] [spec:1] Kill Command; [@mouseover,harm,nodead,spec:2] [spec:2] Arcane Shot; [@mouseover,harm,nodead,spec:3] [spec:3] Flanking Strike
/cast [equipped:fishing pole] Fishing
/cancelaura Aspect of the Turtle
/cleartarget [dead][help]

Gonna need a macro extender, but it works like a charm. Keeps growl running in groups that aren't full, such as world quests.
Squishie: I think you may have a problem. Perhaps you need to visit Macros Anonymous! ;-)
wow - no wonder Blizz does not care about Hunters with all your noobs playing LOL. only joking.

Open Spellbook, go to Pet tab, drag Growl to your pet bar.
I only play MM so I don't know so I'm asking out of curiosity re: BM pets--

If you change anything on your pet bar (such toggling growl, on or off), does that also automatically apply to Hati (the artifact pet)? Thanks!
12/28/2016 07:11 AMPosted by Sindari
I only play MM so I don't know so I'm asking out of curiosity re: BM pets--

If you change anything on your pet bar (such toggling growl, on or off), does that also automatically apply to Hati (the artifact pet)? Thanks!
She doesn't growl so it's not a worry. There is a Trait that gives her BW, BC, and KC though.
Without using macros, just ran into the same problem. When I clicked left and right click at the same time, on the icon in my action bar, it worked. Not sure if that helps anyone figure it out but some odd behaviour that I thought I'd share.
Why do people hate growl so much???
11/16/2017 02:04 PMPosted by Annysea
Why do people hate growl so much???

its a taunt. taunting threat off a tank typically gets you a kick after a few times. also, some of us can manage more than 3 buttons and like to use it manually for certain situations.
11/16/2017 02:04 PMPosted by Annysea
Why do people hate growl so much???

Misuse of it is often perceived as an indicator that the party has brought in a Huntard rather than a Hunter.

The two classes are sometimes hard to tell apart.
11/16/2017 04:04 PMPosted by Ehiztari
11/16/2017 02:04 PMPosted by Annysea
Why do people hate growl so much???

Misuse of it is often perceived as an indicator that the party has brought in a Huntard rather than a Hunter.

The two classes are sometimes hard to tell apart.

True, but they really do need to fix growl not showing up on the pet bar by default. I've had to assign the ability to my pet bar manually every time I switch out a pet for at least this entire expansion.