How do you turn off growl?

11/16/2017 02:46 PMPosted by Kascius
11/16/2017 02:04 PMPosted by Annysea
Why do people hate growl so much???

its a taunt. taunting threat off a tank typically gets you a kick after a few times. also, some of us can manage more than 3 buttons and like to use it manually for certain situations.
yesterday for the first time since I came beck in legion I had a tank consistently hounding me in game to turn off growl which as far as I know I don't have because no icon called "growl" exsists in spell book or action bars and I know what growl is having played BM through cata and panda but it just isn't there. now with that said almost 2 moths now of these forced dungeons and this is the first time a tank has hounded me to the point of having to ignore it because it was getting in the way of the battles ( funny how this tank had time to houd me DURING the fights huh?). anyway I looked again and still cant find "growl" anywhere, 1. I am NOT mounted, and 2. I should note my main pet is "Friender" the tameable mechanimal from gnomereagan.
Necromancy aside, I keep hearing that Growls sound can be heard during a fight when it's off.

04/29/2018 06:10 AMPosted by Stalanor
anyway I looked again and still cant find "growl" anywhere, 1. I am NOT mounted, and 2. I should note my main pet is "Friender" the tameable mechanimal from gnomereagan.
How many pages does your pet's spellbook have?
04/29/2018 06:10 AMPosted by Stalanor
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its a taunt. taunting threat off a tank typically gets you a kick after a few times. also, some of us can manage more than 3 buttons and like to use it manually for certain situations.
yesterday for the first time since I came beck in legion I had a tank consistently hounding me in game to turn off growl which as far as I know I don't have because no icon called "growl" exsists in spell book or action bars and I know what growl is having played BM through cata and panda but it just isn't there. now with that said almost 2 moths now of these forced dungeons and this is the first time a tank has hounded me to the point of having to ignore it because it was getting in the way of the battles ( funny how this tank had time to houd me DURING the fights huh?). anyway I looked again and still cant find "growl" anywhere, 1. I am NOT mounted, and 2. I should note my main pet is "Friender" the tameable mechanimal from gnomereagan.

It's in the spellbook on the pet tab. When you're using a pet , it has a tab, too. Check to be sure there's not a second page you aren't looking at. Drag the icon to the pet bar. I also think it should be there by default.

Having the pet draw aggro can get people killed. The tank, and only the tank, should draw aggro.
I had the same problem. I took my bear into a dungeon, and could only toggle it on/off if we were engaged in battle.
What was their Spec? You'll need to change it if they are Tenacity Specced.
i've found where the pets that it's standard on (bears, devilsayrs etc) I CANNOT shut off growl. It's in my spellbook, I'm not mounted, don't use macros, can't switch out my pet's spec (whether it's tank or not) nothing I do to growl makes any dent in whether it's toggled or not. Tank pets are nice solo, but I haven't had to put up with being insta-kicked from dungeons for growl since I started playing in Cata. I don't really care to be the huntard again.

I've heard that growl gets insta-shut off when in a dungeon or raid group.... anyone know if that's true?
yeah, it auto toggles off in dungeons, then back on when not in a group. I have flipped it on a few times in dungeons when the tank dies then have to flip it off manually when tank is back. I have never had any issues toggling growl on any pets. I just go to the pet spell book, drag growl to the pet bar, right click to turn on/off.

You open your spell book and click growl