Aside from deleting it? ok Blizz will not gut it, occam’s razor is not their thing
I’m thinking
1 make the 2 southern workshops be permanently on the offense team
2 increase the time the towers take away
3 make the walls weaker
the proximity of the 2 workshops makes it easier to defend the towers
but if defense actually destroy the towers the reward is a quicker game
the walls should be weaker so it’s easier to breach and more difficult to camp
all in all these changes can make the game quicker if one team is much better than the other
Wintergrasp is such a huge map with nothing going on. I think an entire overhaul would be preferable similar to Ashran. Give it the IoC treatment of minor objectives areas that either boost siege weapons or possibly even give Fuel to even run the weapons.
What ever they do I hope they test it, test it with pugs vs pugs, premade vs pugs and premade vs premade.
Test to make sure no external bombs/ items allow you to get into the base and blow up the gate because if they make a change 100% this becomes an issue again.
Start the offensive side with initial rank to buy vehicles. (See how that plays out for a week or two, re-evaluate and adjust numbers from there).
This stops the current meta strategy where both sides rush to the workshop to fight. This current strategy allows defense to win even if they do lose the defending position. They either die with enough rank to get vehicles at base and begin pushing, or they capture the workshop and immediately push towers.
Giving base rank vehicles to the offensive team will force the defending team to actually defend, utilizing the base cannons - not just rush out and play offense.
I just want an apology and some form of acknowledgement I don’t even care if they have no idea how or where to start they need to step up and own this dumpster fire. There is ABSOLUTEY no way they don’t have knowledge of this disgusting mess by now, absolutely no way.
I still don’t understand why this isn’t a thing. It is so easy for the defense to cut the offense off at the knees because they will always have guaranteed vehicles.
Honestly I think one of the biggest issues for winning on offense is that demos range is still bugged to hell and rarely registers.
Fixing that should result in an uptick in wins, though probably not that much since it’s still tilted quite heavily in defenses favor.
I’d really like to see the inner workshops nerfed heavily, either by making them destroyable or halving their vehicle caps.
Eliminate vehicles for the defending team, provide more fortification on the cannons on the wall, along with quicker RPG’s. We should be defending the walls, not jumping in vehicles. Shorten the range of the catapults and demolishers too so that the wall cannons have higher range to pick vehicles off as they come in.
Groups on defense should be jumping down in small parties to take out demolishers, while cannons on the walls should be taking out the glass cannon ranged vehicles. Those ranged vehicles should be providing cover fire for the demo’s.
Destroying any tower or wall segment of a layer should reduce the maximum health of everything else on that layer by 10% to make destroying towers more important + make switching sides or attacking multiple sides viable.
I also think they should have a zone-wide mount speed buff to make moving around the map faster. A lot of people I feel like just stick to wherever they are because of how big the map is rather than move to participate in taking out/defending southern towers or helping with shops.
Remove the ranking system entirely and just have a timer on unlocking vehicles. This mechanic is trash and just leads to snowballing. It also heavily favors defense since the offensive team is more often split when attacking SR (which everyone goes for first 90% of the time).
Add rocket launchers right in the GYs for easy pickup. Maybe reduce their cast time.
Southern bases permanently capped for offense team. Why does the side entirely dependent on vehicles not get 2 guaranteed workshops like the defending team that doesn’t need vehicles to win?
2 mid field bases should start neutral. Sunken ring is in range of the tower cannons which make capping the flag there very difficult. As soon as defenders get rank for catapults the game is likely over. They already own this workshop from the start for some reason so they just pop out an army of catas since they have 4 workshops worth of vehicles to produce from the very start.
Put RPGGS at all the bases so attackers can take out defending vehicles and turrets without having to take a journey across the map for 5 rockets. Defenders that are using RPGGs can prevent any push on any wall if they are being aware.
Allow attackers without teleports some way to enter the base to possibly take care of the vehicles that sit behind walls launching death rocks with 0 counter play. This would also allow for attackers to defend against RPGG launchers for free off the walls. This would also create some form of real PvP fighting as defenders rush to defend the wall or rez and try to run back with rockets. Small scale fighting could take place just inside the walls while the majority are focused on wall/tower damage.
All said, don’t expect any changes. If you get attack side just afk out and watch a video or do a world quest.
I genuinely believe defense shouldn’t get any vehicles and it’d be relatively balanced. Defense enjoys the benefit of sitting on their walls and dpsing, easier vehicle death/rebuild locations, drastically easier coordination and strat, being able to portal back into their base if pressured, a much more advantageous GY, and ofc turrets. Defense doesn’t even need to worry about capturing towers, they can just turtle and win currently. Without drastic nerfs to offense, defense will continue to almost never lose.