How do you think Warcraft's story will end?

I don’t know about that. This is pretty accurate:

thank you

I try not to think about it.

Whether you’ve had an overall good or bad time over the years playing, many here have kept playing. I started near the end of bc/start of wotlk iirc, and while ive taken breaks before (entire cataclysm expansion, bfa…) ive played fairly consistently for the most part, especially my favorite expansion MOP(hence the pandas)

Needless to say…when the plug gets pulled and i have to see my characters get thanos snapped, tis not gonna be a good time.

And i don’t even wanna think how those who’ve played a toon since vanilla will feel. Even if you aren’t a RP’er that’s still a decade+ of time and enjoyment you’ll see be flushed down the drain. Don’t kid yourself, you’ll be upset, even just a little bit, when it happens.


I don’t see how it could end, azeroth is a lovely place and they could keep it alive forever.

Wow, that was a fascinating read!

My prediction: World Soul is born, destroying Azeroth and we all die

I hope Azeroth ends like this:

Everyone dies…Tarantino style.

Its a 2010 post

it’s funny to see that some of these predictions sorta was correct lol, kinda

With thunderous applause

Wow, good guess! Not exactly correct, but you were startlingly close.


No, he ded.

Still waiting on this.

They wish.

You called it!

Legion wasn’t that brutal.

No, he just got beat up by a girl and ceased being relevant.



Personally, I don’t think the WoW story will ever end, but there are quite a few things I would hope to see transpire.

I would like to see:

  • the Alliance surrender to the Horde.
  • Gnomeregan reclaimed for the Gnomes.
  • the Tuskarr race added to the Character Creation Screen.
  • Northrend Revisited.
  • a Post-Cataclysm Restoration.
  • the return of the Old Gods, or the creation of New Gods.
  • the introduction of the Necromancer class.


Holy frack, November 2010. Epic necro!


I didn’t know they kept posts this far back.


Holy crap, this is some next level necromancy!

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Blizzard has made their favoritism clear with the stories current direction and it never ends well.

Let us ponder…

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12 year old necro?


hahahah… :sweat_smile:

You changed your look!

Now you’re undoubtably a night elf!

Swarf wins the necro of all necro awards. :trophy: I didn’t know this was possible. :woman_shrugging:

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