I got the disc priest mage tower artifact on my EU account that I don’t play anymore and every time I see someone with it I feel bad bc I “lost” it forever. Please!
I agree with one character being able to do all campaigns. If it’s going to go for the same length of time as MoP Remix it’s not going to be enough time to do the order hall campaign 12 separate times.
Heck I didn’t two years would be enough either but I was proven wrong by those that managed to do it.
it could also be WOD Remix too…heehee
They won’t debut that inside of remix like that
I would like to see them start focusing more resources on the retail version of the game itself. I feel as though retail has fallen off in favor of them redoing classic three different ways and then the remix options that seem to keep popping up everywhere. Maybe if they were more focused on the primary game instead of trying to spread themselves into all of these other avenues we might still have a retail version worth enjoying.
I think one of the most telling things he said was that the Roadmap strip towards the far right had a 'green tinge" when asked about the Remix. And it certainly does have a green tinge. Adding up 1 question + 1 vague response that didnt actually say absolutely no tends to equal a possible yes.
Could be misleading, it is very close to the end of the expansion and it might relate to something to do with Midnight. But it is increasing my belief that it may be related to the Remix being Legion. I guess we will know soon enough.
Quoting from the article I read:
…they asked him about the potential of a future Remix of the Legion expansion. “I mean, anything’s possible,” Hazzikostas says in response. “There’s some fel-green tinge towards the right end of the roadmap, if you take a look at the banner there. Who knows what that could mean?”
all my mage tower skins are obtained on toons i dont play anymore since they were on a dead server and i moved back in mid bfa. any tint that isnt already unlocked im unable to since ide have to do it on a toon i dont play anymore. its weird there is no way to move or copy stuff from eu to us
Frog Farming in the Timeless Isle was a thing in MoP when it was current for farming Timeless Coins.
Other than the Falcasaur hyperspawns on the border of Azuna and Val’shara there isn’t really a hyperspawn of a massive number of adds to mow down.
So, theres a few things I’d expect:
- No order halls. Much like how the tillers weren’t a thing, we’re probably not going to see the order halls be a thing here since the focus will be on the dungeons, storylines and scenarios rather then the niche mechanic of the expansion. This also saves them the trouble of having to figure out how to introduce an Evoker orderhall and associated storyline.
- Instead, I expect that our artifact weapon (which will probably be our “cloak” for this expansion) will have appearances that can be bought from the traders along side the rest of the various mogs, mounts, pets and toys.
- I can all but guarantee Taeshlach and the scythe will be like Garrosh’s stupid shoulders in that we’ll be able to buy them from the vendor.
- There were people who were keen to see PVP so it’s possible that they add some venue for that this time around.
Inside no, but possibly alongside it.
Leave it to Blizzard and the vocal minority to ruin any good fun that anyone might have from a game mode that was intended to be just for fun.
The Remix would be DOA. Order Halls weren’t niche, they were a major part of Legion (both in appeal and literal content) and excluding them would upset a good number of people.
This would be an interesting conundrum, though if the Infinite is involved they might reuse the Bronze Timeways as a base
One of the biggest complaints people had was the artifact power grind. That, if it still exists, will be sped up radically. So, that won’t be a problem.
I honestly can’t remember what other complaints people had, but I’m sure they existed.
I’m going to assume mage tower won’t be a thing. But I’m going to guess we get new artifact appearances. So, pretty great event for me personally.
I wonder if we’ll get Class Mount recolors?
Whatever they do they should throw in a way to make the class halls an evergreen system. Meaning once DONE with the Remix, unless you do timewalking there would no longer be any demon threat other than remnants in their strongholds. That would also provide an excellent opportunity for the nightbore to be given access to the demonhunter class to mop up those remnants. The nightmare threat should also be gone after this.
Yeeesss. The Outlaw Rogue Secret Weapon Appearance that turns them into Updated Model of Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of The Windseeker is a must for anyone!
- Micheal Keaton Batman hard to beat. Jack Nichalson joker hilarious. End of the best decade ever
it will be interesting to see cause we now have evoker, a class that did not exist during legion
They’ll probably not bring back any of the class quests and just have us report directly to our classhall.
That’s what they did in MoP. Just cut out the big story.
Based on the gating and absolute monstrosity of MoP Remix, I will not be participating.